Are there any good shows on teevee? The few I watch have all ended for the year.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
oil gusher at the bottom of the Gulf. It’s now predicted to run till Christmas. Between that and the already desperate straits our economy is in nobody will be able to afford a TV pretty soon.
Link to that prediction?
I just did a quick google search on ‘gulf of mexico oil spill christmas’ and got a bunch of results from June 2. Including this one and this one.
And then there’s the Sierra Club guy on Ed Show saying that ‘their people’ found a 2nd rig leaking that is 12 miles of Mississippi river mouth. They haven’t verified ownership of it yet.
Glee, but the finale is tonight 🙁
Breaking Bad on AMC.
Second that — those who haven’t seen it should consider renting/watching from the beginning of the series. The changes it’s gone through are kind of amazing.
Happytown is a little promising, and Burn Notice has restarted, but it seems to have lost some of its edge.
And Mad Men comes back later this summer, right?
I stopped watching TV when the West Wing died…
That was me, too, until I stumbled on Boston Legal.
The West Wing didn’t do much for me after the fourth season, which was when Aaron Sorkin left, I think.
Yeah, Fringe and Bones both gone in the same week. I’m already in severe Fringe withdrawal. If it wasn’t for the Newshour, Keith, and Rachel, I probably wouldn’t even turn the TV on again til the new season starts in the fall.
waiting for The Closer and Weeds.
Boy you’re asking the wrong guy! I’m typically not much of a TV watcher anyway, but this is the time of year when I have zero use for television. Between the garden, the yard, biking or running during these beautiful late spring evenings, grilling out, walking the dog, sitting on the porch banging on the guitar, gazing at the stars, watching the wild critters run the acreage, visiting with all the neighbors we haven’t seen over the winter; not to mention a full time job that takes up way too much valuable time as it is, television is way down on my list. This time of year it’s probably right above attending the monthly local tea party hate-fest.
Oh, and one other thing I forgot to mention which takes up time regardless of the season; reading this blog.
So sorry Boo, can’t help you out. But I can probably give you a lot of reasons to forget about TV for a little while.
Tonight I’m going to attempt to watch about 12-14 hours of sports in 5-6 hours, thanks to the wonders of modern technology (namely, tivo and streaming video).
7:05 – Washington Nationals vs. Pittsburgh Pirates (Stephen Strasburg’s debut)
8:10 – Detroit Tigers vs. Chicago White Sox
9:00 – NBA Finals Game 3
9:40 – Atlanta Braves vs. Arizona Diamondbacks
I’ve got my work cut out for me. Wish me luck.
and Mythbusters.
Used to like Ghosthunters, but it got old.
True Blood returns to HBO on Sunday
Ah, that might save the Momcat’s sanity.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force is still going strong. It’s on every night at 12:30.
All my favorite shows have been canceled for years, so I only really watch football and the occasional thing on the History Channel.
And even the latter is getting less common. Still don’t know what the fuck Ice Road Truckers and all this other crap has to do with history. I thought Spike or one of those was supposed to be the white trash network?
The Universe is pretty good, though.
It’s Always Sunny and Archer- three great comedies. Assume you get enough drama from your day job.
Treme, True Blood and Mad Men.
The Antiques Roadshow is still fun, even in reruns. Okay, you can stop laughing now.
What’s TeeVee? Can I play Cafe World on it?
reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond and The King of Queens work for me.
Shows I like:
No Reservations
City Confedential
I don’t really do cop shows cause I feel like they put out too much propaganda (cops are always right, criminals are always stupid).
But I really like A&E shows. Their version of reality TV is less mindnumbing.
Oh, Hoarders is my fave. “When the paramedics found her, she was wearing a Snuggie and an adult diaper…”
Makes me feel so normal.
The Celtics are putting on their best impression of the Harlem Globetrotters right about now…
…and now they look like the Washington Generals – entertaining any way you slice it.
Justified. I’m hooked.
Royal Pains, Burn Notice, Leverage and Psych.
Monday-10p, NBC, Persons Unknown: I’m pretty sure this plot was done on The Twilight Zone so it might be interesting to see how they stretch 30 minutes into multiple episodes. In the pilot this week, I liked a couple of the characters then they gave away the punch line in the closing seconds so I’ll watch to see how this show tries to avoid certain cancellation.
Tuesday-9p, Fox, Glee: Since this ran opposite LOST, I missed most of it but they are going to run the whole series from the beginning again starting next week. Unfortunately, starting on July 6th, SyFy will start up Warehouse 13 again so Glee will lose me. Warehouse 13 got better and better with every episode last summer.
Wednesday-10p, NBC, Happy Town Spooky little town with quirky characters. The plot is moving like molasses…
Thursday-9p, USA, Burn Notice: This is an entertaining summer series primarily because of Bruce Campbell and Sharan Gless in supporting roles. It’s followed by Royal Pains on the same network. This show made me LOL quite often last summer. The concept is unbelievable, the characters are quirky/lovable and the writers are smart/sassy.
Friday-9p, SyFy, Eureka followed by something new, Haven. I love Eureka because it is so silly; I start smiling with the opening theme music. Haven is going to be another spooky town with quirky characters… What made TV execs on two networks decide we’re ready for another Twin Peaks? I dunno; these concepts always come in waves.
To all appearances, Glee looked like the kind of Disneyfied sentimental crap I can’t stand. And half of it is. But I watched a couple episodes early on and got hooked. I don’t even like most of the music that much, but somehow it really hits a nerve that other shows like it can only dream of. Maybe it’s their willingness to bring us back to the nasty real world without sugar coating it just when we’re anticipating a syrup flood.
They’re repeating the whole series this summer. Go for it. Really.
Glee would be a collapsed soufflé without Jane Lynch.