The Obama administration will immediately appeal a federal judge’s decision to strike down its six-month moratorium on offshore drilling.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said the administration would appeal a decision by a district court judge granting an injunction against President Barack Obama’s temporary ban on deepwater offshore drilling.
“We will immediately appeal to the Fifth Circuit,” Gibbs said at the tail end of his daily briefing with reporters.
“Continuing to drill at these depths without knowing what happened does not make any sense,” Gibbs added.
Not that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals isn’t stacked against the administration or anything.
Martin Feldman player Igor in Young Frankenstein. A different man with the same name is a Reagan-appointed judge who serves on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. He ruled:
The administration’s decision to ban drilling was likely “arbitrary and capricious” and would do “irreparable harm” to companies and individuals’ livelihoods…
Now, we’ll see what the Fifth Circuit has to say.
Did you read Bmaz/Emptywheel on this decision? Basically Feldman is an idiot. I guess their point was that Feldman created his own reality. Then there is the matter that Feldman should have rescued himself.
Haven’t seen it, but judges have a way of inventing their own reality.
>>judges have a way of inventing their own reality.
my favorite lawyer joke:
q: what do you call a lawyer with an IQ under 80?
a: “Your Honor”
As much as I want the moratorium to hold, I have to admit that I’m excited by the potential opportunity here. Not only can Democrats be seen as fighting to stop big-bad-BP, but it gives them a great foil to talk about how the GOP defends BP, and take conservative activist judges to task as well.
See my diary: Judge Feldman A Christian Thinker with Oil Stocks
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."