I think we got hit by a tornado here about three hours ago. Trees are down everywhere and CabinGirl and I just removed two that were blocking our driveway. Another clipped the house. Obviously, we have no power and it could be days before we do. I’m using an iPhone to post this. The FinnMan took it allin stride but I was scared.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Scary stuff.
Be careful in and around trees for a bit, as not all of the affected ones may have fallen straight off.
It might also be a good time to consider dropping any other trees too close to the house. I hate felling trees, but we have to maintain a fire break around our place.
As long as everyone is all right, that’s the main thing. Possessions can always be replaced. Scary. I know. Did you hear that freight train sound, too? And see the green sky? That’s as close as I ever came. Luckily,no touchdown.
Lost power here on Tuesday from a severe thunderstorm with 75 mph winds. Glad I got that 85 mph Miami/Dade County certified roof a few years ago. My wife reminded me (as only wives can) that we really should have bought that backup generator. The diesel models can run on biodiesel.
Really, really glad the FinnMan didn’t freak out.
Didn’t hear a freight train but there was a lot of noise. Huge trees came down in the back and the wind was roaring.
I’m sure Pat Robertson will be issuing a statement soon.
Joking aside: glad you’re all okay, including the Cabin cabin.
Glad you’re all safe. That’s really weird, and scary. Sorry you had to go through that!
Lived through a couple of touchdown tornados in my lifetime. The Xenia, Ohio tornado struck in 1974 fifteen miles from where I lived; it was a F5 and devastated the area. We had a hit within a block of our house in ’72. I saw a funnel cloud forming along the horizon about fifteen years ago. It’s always scary.
Glad you and the family are okay. Good luck with the cleanup!
I remember that one very well also. My best friend was from there. Nobody was hurt in his family, but a lot of incredible devastation.
I’m glad that you’re all okay. We got high winds and heavy rain here but no tree losses. I hope that the power is back for you soon.
I got hit too(remember .. I live in PA-06, too). And yes, power is out here. Luckily, I can post thanks to a generator as somehow the cable is working when the electric is not.
I was wondering how you made out with the storm, I know you’re not too far from us.
Our power will be out for a while, I think.
Calvin, what make and model generator do you have? She’s right, I really should buy one.
I have friends who are very happy with the Honda EU2000, a 2000 watt generator. We used it on a construction project. They are very quiet, purr like a kitten until they detect a power draw, then they fire up to operating speed, nearly instantaneously. Also you can lift it with one hand.
If you need more power, say 4,000 watts, the EU2000 is designed to run with two of them in parallel.
I expect to buy two of them as soon as finances permit.
I don’t know .. lol .. sorry to say .. I’ll have to check and let you know .. what’s funny is that the cable didn’t go out till 7 hrs after the electric .. and if anyone is still reading .. I am still with out power .. I am writing this from the local library(corner of 401 and 100 .. so CabinGirl knows) .. they have power luckily .. the power co. says we should have power back by the end of the weekend .. talk about high tech withdrawal .. lol
I pass that library every day on the way to work! LOL!
I’m kind of late with this comment, sorry. It isn’t surprising at all. Cable companies and the old Bell system have their own independent power.
I grew up about 2 miles from that library. 🙂
We didn’t get power back until sometime Saturday either.
Best wishes to you all!
Glad to hear you’re ok. very scary stuff.
I’m happy everyone came through ok. Its sad to lose trees, but that’s in the nature of things. Be sure to look for power lines wrapped up in the branches before getting too close. Sometimes the whole tree and even the ground around it can be energized. My old employer in Florida lost a firefighter in a similar situation many years ago.
Glad you’re all doing OK.
Glad you’re OK. Let me know if you need help with anything. I’m down in Marlton NJ most of the weekend for LAX tourney anyway.
We (Northern IN aka Michiana) got hit hard last Friday, blew a window straight out of the frame in my home. Last night was a huge build up, but all (5) of the tornadoes hit further southeast in Amish country. One of my first memories as a child was the Palm Sunday tornadoes . So I leave all those nice calm hurricanes in Miami for this shit? Oy.
stay safe and God bless and protect you and your family.
Glad to hear that you’re OK.
A rural town 15 miles from the farmstead was devastated a couple of years back, with 90% of homes damaged to some extent. Not a pretty sight, but folks swarmed in from neighboring towns and rural areas to help out. I’d be in your local tomorrow if you were within a few hundred miles travel time.
Glad you’re okay. Wishing all the best for you and yours.
Glad y’all are alright. I had one go right over my workplace before it touched down a mile or so down the road when I was 17 or 18. Scary stuff.
At least you’re ok – glad to hear it.
Scary stuff and I’m glad you all made it through ok. And it’s always sad to say goodbye to trees in the yard, especially if they managed to twist away from the house. Sounds like you’re in for lots of cleanup duty this weekend.
here too! I think I work in your hometown Booman, it was pretty scary here!
My house got hit a little earlier than the storm hit here. House is fine, we have no trees on our property. Just a lot of debris. 401 is completely shut down all the way from start to finish. They are now saying we will not have power until perhaps sometime around midnight tonight……
Scary, scary stuff!
We got hit hard but our power stayed on, unlike much of the rest of the town. No tornado, but 60 mph straight-line winds and hail the size of golf balls. Wild stuff!