None of my pictures really turned out very well. Jim’s got some good ones so I’ll get him to post some later or maybe do a diary so other people can post theirs in one spot. Meanwhile, here’s the best of my not very good pictures.
The drive was fine — not too much rain and the road construction didn’t slow us down much. We took a little over 10 hours to do 650 miles so we made good time. It’s great to be home.
White Haven turned out to be right at the edge of the Poconos with a lake nearby so the motel railing was covered with wet towels which made for a nice decoration. 🙂
Back at work but it’s all problem-solving and I have long gaps while I wait for other people to do things so it’s a very easy day.
If you do decide to come to Indiana, you’ll have to stop at Shapiro’s in Indianapolis where they have pastrami, corned beef, and tongue that can go up against any other deli anywhere, including New York.
I spent a lot of time on that block back in the day. Never went to Katz’s though. We were always at Max Fish (tiny, dark bar across the street). Or outside procuring illicit goods. Hard to recognize the old LES.
What a great shot of a lovely creature.
Haven’t seen any here in our valley for quite a while. We’re guessing it’s because of disease. Seeing families with pups was very common in the past. Always a thrill.
I was really surprised to see it — foxes around here are very shy and you’re lucky to get a quick glimpse but this New Hampshire fox was completely unafraid of people.
New Hampshire was doing a pretty good job of being a rain forest itself; it rained 4 of the seven days we were there but fortunately only one day really affected our hiking — and it sure did make the waterfalls even more photogenic.
Wow, everyone here is still asleep…I’m debating joining them. I got a migraine headache yesterday morning and had to struggle to make it through the day. I have a little work I should do this morning.
Ugh, sorry about the migraine. Going back to sleep sounds like a great idea.
We’re finally having some nice June weather here — instead of 90s and thunderstorms, it’s clear and going to in the upper 70s or low 80s. I’m looking forward to this morning’s walk with the dogs.
Sounds like perfect weather. I think it’s cooled down considerably here too. Finn slept well last night, which was nice, but I think it might be because we got a new fan for the bedroom.
Yeah – it was all very quick.
Hot and humid today – looks like a big thundershower is about to happen.
Summer days are usually high 70s/low 80s (as I recall, didn’t look it up).
I hope our cooler weather has arrived there. It’s gorgeous here, sunny and in the low 80s with little humidity. Sadly, it’s only lasting till Saturday when the 90s return.
It has arrived. Yesterday was delightful, and today is starting out to be more of the same A little chilly in the morning, comfortable with a light breeze the rest of the day.
At least I won’t melt on my hike in from the parking lot to my client meeting today. 🙂
I’m looking forward to the weekend coming up. Last weekend was busy, with power outages, cupcakes, and fridge cleanouts…need some time to relax and get things in order here.
I’ve been procrastinating with Finn (and figuring out the mistake I made in counting in my knitting) this morning, but now I really have to get moving.
Alas, my weekend will not be a long one, as we do not have Monday off (we get the week between Christmas and New Year’s paid for instead). I am thinking about taking half a vacation day today though…I don’t even feel like driving in this morning.
And the same to everyone here! Our little tourist village is being swarmed, probably since the weather is being so cooperative for a few days. Here at home, our 3 grandchildren just arrived for an overnight stay:)
We’re heading off to Cincinnati today to visit with Jim’s mom. We’re losing the nice temps but no storms in the forecast so not looking too bad for us. Hope everyone else has a nice day ahead.
It seemed quite busy yesterday and they’re beginning to roll in this morning already. We went to a cookout last night at my old fire station and watched the fireworks afterward. there was a big crown there – mostly locals.
Good morning – and happy Fourth of July!
Geneva is clearly an international city; regardless who wins in the WC there is a considerable crew out celebrating (keeping us awake) all night. The Spanish were at it all night – in fact, I still hear vuvuzela noise out there and it is now past noon.
Ugh — all night would be really obnoxious. At least the people doing the the firecrackers and other assorted boom-makers generally stop before midnight.
I split 2 to 4 days worth of wood for the stove this year and then went for a bike ride. Lots more wood to split and stack and miles to ride before school starts.
Glad to hear you’re on the recovery-side of your cold.
When we lived in Evansville, Jim and I would go to the huge fireworks set off from on a barge on the Ohio River. I think that must have used up our fireworks-watching quota for the rest of our lifetime because neither one of us are ever interested in going.
I was actually able to jettison the third pillow last night and sleep relatively horizontal. Yay. Unfortunately, I still hack if I do anything more than sit quietly. 🙁
I think people with chronic health problems should be exempt from colds and flu. It’s not fair to have one on top of the other.
Plus, any plans for another quiet day have been discombobulated by the cat caught in our cat trap. Now I have to get washed and dressed and drive it down to the Hobart Cat Centre. It meows, so it’s clearly abandoned rather than feral born, and it’s still young so maybe it will be possible for them to rehabilitate it and fine it a home. I’d like to think so anyway. But either way it can’t stay here. We’ve already found the remains of one of the small family of Bronzewing pigeons that live here. If only the feral cats caught and ate the feral rabbits . . . .
That reminds me, the black-eyed susans are attempting a hostile takeover of our largest flower bed. Must do some thinning, but not today – too humid & hot!
Sorry about the cafe neglect last week – power outages and work got in the way. I’ll do better this week.
I have busy couple of days ahead, but I’m looking forward to the holiday and fireworks this weekend. How about you?
(ps, anyone with pictures from our meetup in NYC want to post a couple?)
None of my pictures really turned out very well. Jim’s got some good ones so I’ll get him to post some later or maybe do a diary so other people can post theirs in one spot. Meanwhile, here’s the best of my not very good pictures.
click for larger
I’ve got a couple to post.
Looking forward to seeing more — with ID captions por favor!
Hope your trip into town went well, b2.
Hi WW! I drove in and had no problem. In fact it took just under 1 1/2 hours. Not too shabby.
Not at all! Excellent.
click for larger
Something tells me he wasn’t chasing a bowl of oatmeal…
If you look more closely, you’ll see it’s already got its “oatmeal”.
Why look at that…(my eyesight isn’t so good in the morning)
How was yesterday’s drive? and the stop in Whitehaven?
We had dinner at Pho Sure on Saturday night, btw.
I sure hope you liked it. What did you have?
The drive was fine — not too much rain and the road construction didn’t slow us down much. We took a little over 10 hours to do 650 miles so we made good time. It’s great to be home.
White Haven turned out to be right at the edge of the Poconos with a lake nearby so the motel railing was covered with wet towels which made for a nice decoration. 🙂
I had the baoguette – it was delish.
Sounds like the drive wasn’t bad at all, except for the length. Sorry about the hotel decor… 🙂
We made a stop at Katz’s on our way out of town, too.
Glad to hear that — it’s always a little nerve-racking sending someone to a restaurant.
So, is today a readjustment day, or are you back at work already?
I’m not looking forward to heading in this morning, but I’m thinking I’ll work from home tomorrow, so maybe I should show up today.
Back at work but it’s all problem-solving and I have long gaps while I wait for other people to do things so it’s a very easy day.
If you do decide to come to Indiana, you’ll have to stop at Shapiro’s in Indianapolis where they have pastrami, corned beef, and tongue that can go up against any other deli anywhere, including New York.
Ah, Shapiros – to die for:)
what did you get at Katz’s?
Pastrami sandwiches.
I spent a lot of time on that block back in the day. Never went to Katz’s though. We were always at Max Fish (tiny, dark bar across the street). Or outside procuring illicit goods. Hard to recognize the old LES.
just figured out the restaurant name-pun. (face palm)
The beef pho was called Pho Real…
maybe scrambled eggs and bacon
What a great shot of a lovely creature.
Haven’t seen any here in our valley for quite a while. We’re guessing it’s because of disease. Seeing families with pups was very common in the past. Always a thrill.
I was really surprised to see it — foxes around here are very shy and you’re lucky to get a quick glimpse but this New Hampshire fox was completely unafraid of people.
We sure did miss you at the meetup.
Gosh. Maybe next time!
Great catch! Welcome home to the rain forest.
New Hampshire was doing a pretty good job of being a rain forest itself; it rained 4 of the seven days we were there but fortunately only one day really affected our hiking — and it sure did make the waterfalls even more photogenic.
Wow, everyone here is still asleep…I’m debating joining them. I got a migraine headache yesterday morning and had to struggle to make it through the day. I have a little work I should do this morning.
Ugh, sorry about the migraine. Going back to sleep sounds like a great idea.
We’re finally having some nice June weather here — instead of 90s and thunderstorms, it’s clear and going to in the upper 70s or low 80s. I’m looking forward to this morning’s walk with the dogs.
Sounds like perfect weather. I think it’s cooled down considerably here too. Finn slept well last night, which was nice, but I think it might be because we got a new fan for the bedroom.
Fans are nice to sleep too — at least I find the noise to be very lulling.
Well the dogs are saying I shouldn’t just look forward to walking in that nice weather …
See ya later.
I did a diary of the meetup with photos that Jim and I took. Anybody who took photos (like you, b2) should come post theirs in comments.
Ugh – went straight from the airport to work yesterday afternoon.
Geneva warmed up while I was away – high 80s in the foreseeable future.
Ugh. Hope it was a relatively easy afternoon at work. (It would take me forever to wade through just the email from 3 days away…)
It was great to see you all, although much too short a visit. Maybe we can plan another get-together in the fall.
How warm is Geneva, usually?
Yeah – it was all very quick.
Hot and humid today – looks like a big thundershower is about to happen.
Summer days are usually high 70s/low 80s (as I recall, didn’t look it up).
Greetings, all! hotter today, alas, though cooled off yesterday a bit. Still recovering from Finn’s cuteness – quite overwhelming!
What a difference a day makes!
I hope our cooler weather has arrived there. It’s gorgeous here, sunny and in the low 80s with little humidity. Sadly, it’s only lasting till Saturday when the 90s return.
It has arrived. Yesterday was delightful, and today is starting out to be more of the same A little chilly in the morning, comfortable with a light breeze the rest of the day.
At least I won’t melt on my hike in from the parking lot to my client meeting today. 🙂
I’m looking forward to the weekend coming up. Last weekend was busy, with power outages, cupcakes, and fridge cleanouts…need some time to relax and get things in order here.
Hope you have a grand long holiday weekend.
And we’ll have more cupcakes here this weekend as Marlo is coming home for a visit and she always comes “loaded”.
Caribbean savories for you? 🙂
I’ve been procrastinating with Finn (and figuring out the mistake I made in counting in my knitting) this morning, but now I really have to get moving.
I hope she brought me some — I probably won’t see her till either tonight or tomorrow at which point the gooey goodies will be showing their age.
Happy long weekend.
Happy long weekend to you too.
Alas, my weekend will not be a long one, as we do not have Monday off (we get the week between Christmas and New Year’s paid for instead). I am thinking about taking half a vacation day today though…I don’t even feel like driving in this morning.
At least the traffic was light this morning. 🙂
Sounds like delicious fun. Have a good holiday!
Happy long weekend everyone!
And the same to everyone here! Our little tourist village is being swarmed, probably since the weather is being so cooperative for a few days. Here at home, our 3 grandchildren just arrived for an overnight stay:)
New Hampshire is just full of humpy-bumps so Hump Day pictures will be no problems for months to come.
The little white dot among the green on the right side is one of the AMC huts that provides bed and board for hikers.
click for larger
We’re heading off to Cincinnati today to visit with Jim’s mom. We’re losing the nice temps but no storms in the forecast so not looking too bad for us. Hope everyone else has a nice day ahead.
Bon voyage! Have a great weekend!
It would be a lot better one if the hot temps hadn’t come back.
Is town full of tourists?
It seemed quite busy yesterday and they’re beginning to roll in this morning already. We went to a cookout last night at my old fire station and watched the fireworks afterward. there was a big crown there – mostly locals.
Happy holiday everybody!

crowncrowd. Blogging while partially asleep;-)I hope it was a good day for all the business people. I’m sure they could use it.
Good morning – and happy Fourth of July!
Geneva is clearly an international city; regardless who wins in the WC there is a considerable crew out celebrating (keeping us awake) all night. The Spanish were at it all night – in fact, I still hear vuvuzela noise out there and it is now past noon.
Ugh — all night would be really obnoxious. At least the people doing the the firecrackers and other assorted boom-makers generally stop before midnight.
The days without matches recently have been kind of a blessing…
Happy 4th, ask! Hopefully you’re getting some sleep despite all the activity.
Happy 4th everyone!
And to you too.
I split 2 to 4 days worth of wood for the stove this year and then went for a bike ride. Lots more wood to split and stack and miles to ride before school starts.
Such energy!
I’m on day four of a head-cold, and just starting to feel human again.
The weather is sunny and cold – as it should be in mid-winter. Although we’re still hoping for some real rain.
I hope those of you enjoying the Fourth have fun at the fireworks (which was always my favorite bit).
Glad to hear you’re on the recovery-side of your cold.
When we lived in Evansville, Jim and I would go to the huge fireworks set off from on a barge on the Ohio River. I think that must have used up our fireworks-watching quota for the rest of our lifetime because neither one of us are ever interested in going.
I was actually able to jettison the third pillow last night and sleep relatively horizontal. Yay. Unfortunately, I still hack if I do anything more than sit quietly. 🙁
I think people with chronic health problems should be exempt from colds and flu. It’s not fair to have one on top of the other.
Plus, any plans for another quiet day have been discombobulated by the cat caught in our cat trap. Now I have to get washed and dressed and drive it down to the Hobart Cat Centre. It meows, so it’s clearly abandoned rather than feral born, and it’s still young so maybe it will be possible for them to rehabilitate it and fine it a home. I’d like to think so anyway. But either way it can’t stay here. We’ve already found the remains of one of the small family of Bronzewing pigeons that live here. If only the feral cats caught and ate the feral rabbits . . . .
I hope all goes with the cat.
Happy 4th to you. I hope you had a great day.
We grilled out so I’m feeling very all-American now. 🙂
Happy 4th to you too. We just returned from the fireworks (Finn was mesmerized.)
Lucky boy!
Hope everyone enjoyed a good weekend!
Must say I was mesmerized too – don’t think I’ll ever grow out of it!
Hope most people are also peeking at a day off.
click for larger
What day off?? 🙁
(But I am leaving early today – 2 hrs to go)
Sorry about that. I think a lot of people in the states are getting the day off either. But yay for short days.
We’ll think of you working hard as we spend the day doing not much of anything. 😉
Hi Everyone, I just peeking this animal,, This is very rare moments by bisnis
That reminds me, the black-eyed susans are attempting a hostile takeover of our largest flower bed. Must do some thinning, but not today – too humid & hot!
Send ’em our way if you can. I like them a lot, but folks here don’t seem to have them in their gardens.
Be sure to dose them with ice water for the trip ..
I’m really sorry to have reminded you to do any kind of work, especially in this crap weather.
Lovely images this week, Andi!
Good to see you at the meetup diary, too.
Thanks. And I wish I could have seen you in some of those pictures of the meetup. I hope there’s a next time for both of us.
I hope Omir’s little froggy hasn’t left us for good:(