Promoted by Steven D
The edges are fraying. While xenophobia is nothing new in American life, the use of particularly rancorous and fear-inspiring rhetoric by prominent spokespeople, affiliated with mainstream institutions that have real power to shape our dialogue, is surely on the rise, and ideas that were once whispered (or grumbled under the breath, perhaps after one too many drinks) are becoming increasingly mainstream. These ideas not only demean us all, but they are also one of the surest harbingers of those dark events in our nation’s history—the Red Scare, the Chinese Exclusion and Geary Acts, Executive Order 9066—that most fundamentally undermine our founding values.
The protests of the Cordoba House—a Mosque and Islamic community center planned for a private site two blocks from the former site of the World Trade Center—are ramping up, and what was initially a fringe idea is now endorsed by such high-profile political leaders and opinion makers as Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, and Charles Krauthammer. Parallel to the mainstreaming of this message is an onrush of overtly anti-Muslim sentiment which extends across the country, from Tennessee to Wisconsin to California, and includes protests over the building of new mosques as well as a particularly stomach-turning plan by a Florida church to hold a mass burning of Qur’ans on this coming September 11th.
To be sure, many brave voices have spoken out, in spite of less than encouraging public opinion research, to support the Cordoba House and defend religious freedom. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg presented perhaps the firmest repudiation of the protestors, in a press conference in which he—flanked by religious leaders of all stripes and standing in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty—boiled the debate down to a single, essential question: “Should government attempt to deny private citizens the right to build a house of worship on private property based on their particular religion? That may happen in other countries, but we should never allow it to happen here.”
In this point, Bloomberg presents the great hypocrisy of these so-called patriots, who wrap themselves in the American flag while attempting to undermine the closest thing we have to a unitary founding principle. Mayor Bloomberg understands that the free exercise clause is not simply an amendment to the Constitution, but the first amendment to the Constitution. He remembers that the early settlers of Plymouth colony, captured in the American imagination as the first European inhabitants of what would become the United States, were seeking, in large part, a place to practice their faith and preserve their cultural identity. And he understands that, in contrast to Gingrich’s point that “There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia,” the United States is strongest not when it seeks the lowest possible standard, but when it lifts up a vision of openness that has largely driven its economic and cultural leadership.
Bloomberg’s voice, and the voices of hundreds of elected officials, faith leaders, and everyday Americans who embrace the pluralism of our nation’s roots, are our greatest resource in efforts to forestall a new dark era in our history. The issues that we face as a nation, from economic recovery to energy security to health care to immigration, can be complex, but this one is not. If you believe in America, you have no choice but to respect the rights of the builders of the Cordoba House.
Read more at The Opportunity Agenda website.
Four blocks from the site of the WWT there is the Muslim mosque or prayer room, Masjid Mahnatten, 20 Warren St., close to City Hall. It’s been there since 1970. Must it now move?
I don’t think the best way to protect freedom in the United States is by emulating the lack of freedom in Saudi Arabia. At least during the Cold War we always held ourselves to a slightly higher standard than the Soviet Union – “We’re better than the Russians.” Now the right-wing solution is to seek the lowest possible standard and match it.
You can add Ted Olson’s voice to the Bloomberg opinions. And his carries especial weight because his wife was kill on 9/11 in the plane that struck the Pentagon.
Kudos to Mayor Bloomberg.
It is hard to believe that this controvery received its greatest impetus from Abe Foxman, leader of the Anti-Defamation League, however unbelievable that may seem.
The controversy reveals (once again, but more openly) the utter nihilism that has taken over the Republican Party. This is largely due to its having been captured by its southern and Midwest Bible Belt base. The old conservative branch represented by Olson are appalled. There has been a lot of criticism of Obama’s going so slow on social and economic issues in liberal circles, and for good reason. But there is a good reason for going slow. He has retained the support of the conservative elite against what can only be termed the fascist populism of the Conservative Far Right. From the perspective of a truly fascist take-over of our government and all it implies for our survival as a species, that may not be too high a price to pay.
The good news is that, unlike Germany in 1933, the conservatives do not fear the left to broker a deal with fascists. This is small consolation, but at this point, we have to think mini-max solutions: minimize the chance of the maximum loss implied by the coming to power of a fascist right.
Howard Dean has come out against the community center calling it affront to the people who lost their lives. Sarah Palin couldn’t have said it better.
What you meant as title was:
As Goes Cordoba House, So Goes America
Oh – and Howard Dean can fuck off, just like every other Muslim-free zone supporter.
Exclusion drives people away form a society. Inclusion does the opposite. As this is failry obvious it does make you wonder if the creation of a radical other outside society is the aim.