Lily was trying to make a clean getaway – with the laundry detergent.
When caught, she plopped down on her bed as if nothing was going on.
Hi all. I’ve been busy with some medical stuff and the run-up to our federal election, which hasn’t left any energy or brain space for anything else. I’ll be working a local polling booth this Saturday and then Imogen an I will have a much needed vacation.
Although they are really for Imogen’s mum and will go to live at her house next month. They are King quail, also known as Blue quail and Button Quail.
Baby it’s cold outside . . .
Hector may have over-heated next to the wood stove.
Hector looks like he’s about done on that side. Flip him over to toast the tummy, then a graham cracker and a chocolate bar and you’re set to go.
Hector likes to go to the extreme: over-heating and over-eating are his two favorites.
Mmmm. Smores, which are hard to make here; I have to get the Graham crackers from the foreign food store and then make my own vegan marshmallows.
The composting toilet is in, which meant this stretch that connected the old toilet to the septic tank had to come out.
Oh yuck.
I kept hearing the weirdest noises from the big “tuba” (I had no idea what they were coming from), before I caught her in the act.
Was this before or after the dog eats detergent photo?
After, unfortunately.
Sniff first, then roll thoroughly in odorous substance for more lasting after effect.
apparently means doubled-up puppies.
We often stack the dog beds to make a bit more floor space during the day.
Welcome back. Loved all the pictures. I could just imagine those fat fowls balling up and rolling along the floor.
Where are you going on vacation?
Those little fowl are more fluff than anything else. They’re so small I can wrap my hand completely around one, with hand to spare.
We’re going to the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree rain forest.
Welcome back. You were missed. I love those tiny quail.
Thanks. Yep, they’re very cute. We’re trying o find a silver-morph female to make it a trio. Mumsy is going to move them about in her garden like a miniature Chicken Tractor.
Well that was a disappointment — where’s my tiny green John Deere tractor being driven by a hen wearing a John Deere cap.
Sorry, I’ll see if I can find the time to Photoshop something.
Where’s a photo of your critters?
I’ll look forward to that. 🙂
Here are some recent photos of the pack.
It’s good to be a dog.
In other good animal news – a Southern Right whale calved in he Derwent channel just a few kilometers south of Hobart two days ago. This is the first recorded whale calving in 190 years. Early European Tasmanians extensively whaled the estuary and surrounding waters until the whales left. With any hope she’ll bring friends next time. It would be great to have the whales back (although we still see them frequently off the Eastern coastline).
That’s so cool. Here’s hoping it’s the first of many.
Bob Brown mentioned this today in some of his post-election comments.
I spent a couple of hours in the freezing wind yesterday morning handing out how-to-vote cards for the Greens. More Greens and GetUp volunteers than the major parties put together.
I was handing out how-to-vote cards in a small rural town about 20k from our house. Despite it being the Ute and Holden crowd, I had about 5-10% Greens voters. And only one old guy was pissy, telling me how dare we come out to the country towns, to which I replied that I live in a country town. I think it helped that lots of people recognized me from their jobs at my local businesses. I was also the only person from any party to show up.
As for the whales, and the whaling, it’s a history that few people want to remember. Whale products were the mainstay of the Tasmanian economy for much of her early years.
Its good to “see” you hanging about at the pond again!
It looks like this dog is very fond of giving pose for a photo shoot.
Very Early Signs of Pregnancy