The Census under Obama actually came in $1.6 BILLION under budget, maybe more. Imagine if Bush had outsourced it to Halliburton or Blackwater what it would have cost? And who would have gotten tased by private census workers hired as independent contractors?
Ps. Naturally the GOP is bitching about it.
TASED?! By The Company Formerly Known As Blackwater?! Do you really believe those guys would use anything so wussie as a TASER?! Come on. They would have done nothing short of leaving a trail of blood (that’s ONE way to get people to fill out those forms and mail ’em in to avoid being “visited” by a census worker).
With so much to be done in the world it is continually depressing to see the sidetracking that we are forced to follow. Just once it would be nice to hear something that didn’t start with bitching coming out of the heads of the GOP
I guess I want to know how the government can be so bad at budgeting.
Give my guy Locke a wee bit of credit there, when he was WA state Gov he ran a tidy ship and I doubt it was easy securing this much accountability, as he says, without alot of browbeating.
I did some census work until early June. Yesterday I received a phone call from local census office that surprised me. It announced some kind of wrap-up party / gathering to commemorate the end of field office operations. Hmmm….Surely there would be some expense associated with such an event and I wondered how that expense could be justified.