Pretty much every article published by The Hill has a comments section that looks like this one:
I’m all for free speech, but there isn’t any moderation of The Hill’s comments section at all. This has bothered me for a long time, but the suggestion that we feed Latinos to zoo animals kind of got to me.
Ah, the hideous id of the Republican party. But even Adam Nagourney can understand why they feel that way:
There is a reason he’s called AdNags, and it’s not because he’s a good reporter.
I think it’s a perfectly fine piece of reporting, which certainly isn’t the norm for AdNags. I was interested to learn that Orange County has a bigger population than Iowa or Nevada. No wonder the Republicans are struggling to compete in California.
Yeah, I know he puts out crap all too regularly for being the paper of record’s star reporter. But I thought he did a surprisingly good job here. I definitely learned something, and the OC is in my backyard.
The Hill is far from the only one. Look at Drudgico. Look at almost any newspaper. They are all infested with RWNJ trolls.
Actually, one of the reasons I value The Pond is the merciful absence of this sort of thing. I learn things from the comment threads here, and even when I disagree with them (or the original post), the dissents, even the occasional trolls, are almost always thoughtful. That’s better than not only rags like The Hill, or the execrable threads of my local daily paper (where the “zoo” comment would be considered mild), but 98% of the blogs on the left, too.
That’s teeball compared to what you see on the sites of local rags, especially out here in the desert. Every thread ends up as an opportunity to do some bashing, no matter the topic.
I get the impression that there are wingnuts who, whether for pay or just self-medication, sit in front of their dozens of browser windows 24/7 waiting to turn every story into the same old moribund rants about Obama, liberals, taxes, dark persons, Muslims, immigrants, “big government”, blablabla. Never any content, just the same boilerplate parroted ad infinitum. If they seemed smarter I’d wonder whether they had an auto-keyword search-and-replace going that turns any topic, from a new bus route to an oil spill to a terrorist attack to a WH easteregg hunt, into one of their dozen obsessions.
As others have noted, if you think the Hill’s section is nuts, have a look at the local papers (the Chicago Trib is especially choice), the NYT, Huffington, or pretty much any other “major” “news” outlet. Or don’t — it just makes you afraid to get in a car knowing that creatures like these are out there operating dangerous machinery. We’ve always had the idiots and the crazed among us, but they do manage to make most news site comment sections useless. Despite all the promises about the great democratic breakthrough of the Internet, I often find myself nostalgic for the good old days when papers just published 6 or 8 selected letters to the editor.