National Review hated the president’s speech, while William Kristol loved it. I don’t know if that means anything. It wasn’t what I wanted to hear, but the speech wasn’t for me. Regardless, I won’t personally be turning the page on the Bush years or their decision to invade Iraq under the circumstances in which they chose to do so. And there are going to be costs to our society that we’re treating the Bush administration’s sins as little more than a shanked golf shot. In effect, we’re asking the world for a mulligan, rather taking responsibility for the real score. There’s an accountability gap that will be filled by posterity and may cause more tangible problems for our country, as well.

On the other hand, Obama deserves credit for accomplishing an orderly withdrawal of two-thirds of our troops and millions of pieces of equipment. He deserves credit for holding firm on his promise to remove all troops by next year. He was infinitely more magnanimous to the lunatics that created this mess than he had to be. At least Bill Kristol showed enough of a trace of honor to acknowledge Obama’s generosity.

I just hope we don’t fool ourselves into thinking Iraq was a success or a victory. That would have the worst implications for the future.