Behold… the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse:

A red horse brings war (isn’t it amazing that we now equate Republicans with the color Red… what we use to use to describe the far left Commies of the forties and fifties?)

A black horse brings famine (as the fields dry out from global warming we see food supplies shrinking… and as more chemicals are sprayed on plants we turn food into evil.)

A green horse brings death (green as the money that the top 2% of society increases their accumulation of as we fail to restore the taxes which they no longer have to pay.)

A white horse brings Satan’s warrior (with white hair…or silver… like Newt Gingrich ready to move Muslims away from Ground Zero by putting the area under the control of the National Parks Service…)

See why I feel much better not believing this crap? I don’t need a religious mystery to account for all the evil that is being brought on us by people who have decided, as the entire Republican Congress has, not to work with the President and to oppose EVERYTHING… even things they have consistently supported in the past. By taking this chance, they will regain control of Congress and once again take us into oblivion.

But don’t you think that when they take control of Congress that the Democrats will have learned nothing from their two years of negativity? Do you think the Democrats will show them how it should be done by WORKING WITH THEM?

I wouldn’t count on it.

If I wanted to know what a definition of Hell was at this point, it would be the entirely stupid government of the United States which takes the best possible democracy and turns it into an oligarchy of the Boehner/McConnels (which used to be called the antichrist.)
