Run for your lives! It’s the Invasion of the Islamic Public Service Announcement Creators!
Admit it. Some of those kids had really creepy eyes. Like Sci-Fi B-Movie Alien invader eyes (illegal aliens at that since I’m sure their student visas from Acturus-7 have long since expired). Of course, that could just be my personal bigoted reaction.
What do you think?
Why don’t you tell me in the comments while I go change my pants because I just wet myself in quivering in fear at all those Muslim “Terrorist” Faces in one video. Unless, you just wet yourself too (or worse) in which case you’re excused.
It’s a pretty good PSA.
It’s too bad it’s necessary.
Yes, you got that right.
Steven D,
The next time you post such a video, would you please post a “Graphic Images” warning.