You can’t call a closed-down Burlington Coat Factory building in lower Manhattan “the ruins of the World Trade Center.” If it was the ruins of the World Trade Center it would be ruined. It would have been carted off to Staten Island and its steel beams would have been sold off to China. But that’s the least of the problems with Michael Savage’s screed.
So, it should be clear. It’s not about the Muslims. The Jews aren’t welcome either.
I’m looking at the poll of the overwhelming number of Americans opposed to this center near “Ground Zero”, and it dawned on me that those numbers eerily resemble the polling of Americans who supported the invasion of Iraq. Just like then, it includes a disturbingly high number of Democrats who should know better by now. It tells me that Americans may be exhausted of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they are no less prone to emotional over-reaction, irrational fear and Islamophobia that will lead us again into self-destructive behavior. Just like I was 7 years ago, I’m proud to be in that 20% minority. But just like then, I fear all it will take is one more 9/11 attack, and 90% of Americans will support a war with Iran. And don’t think Neo-cons don’t know this.
Just like I was 7 years ago, I’m proud to be in that 20% minority.
Ahhhhh yes….I remember that time all too well. Those good old days when this made you an un-American, lily livered, terrorist lovin’, freedom hatin’ commie who despised your country. It’s deja vu all over over again! The more times change, the more things stay the same.