Mr. Starbursts is confused about why the president chose to attack The Human Suntan today during his speech in Cleveland. Rich Lowry takes this to mean that the president is already resigned to Mr. Boehner being the Speaker of the House next year. But Mr. Lowry isn’t very bright. The reason Obama was blasting Boehner is because Boehner is an idiot who refuses to make any coherent arguments, and he’s the leader of a Know-Nothing party that cannot articulate any positive vision or use any honest reasoning. The president is providing the missing pieces of logic that show the Republican arguments for what they are. And what they are is terrifyingly similar to Sarah Palin’s tweets: rambling nonsense.
The Republicans’ gigantic weakness is that the American people hate them even more than the Democrats. The momentum the Republicans think they have is built entirely on the general apathy of the majority of American voters. There is no support for privatizing Social Security or making Bush’s tax cuts for the rich permanent. There is no nostalgia for Bush. No one wants more war in more countries. People don’t want a government that looks out for big business every single time. The GOP has nothing to be for. They are afraid to even offer a single policy that they think the federal government should pursue, lest their teabagging compatriots burn them in effigy for making the suggestion that the government deserves to live.
The president went after Boehner because he is a paper tiger. He wants to be the leader of the House, but he can’t say why.
The GOP has been attacking Pelosi, using her a target and symbol of their effort to take over the House. So the logical alternative is to put up suntan boy and to say, “Is this what you want instead?”
True, that’s part of it. You need a face, even if it is a color that doesn’t occur in nature.
But the reason he chose Boehner was also because Boehner gave a speech in Cleveland last week that made no goddamn sense. Obama just shredded him.
We’ve been losing the argument for a long time. Today it was time to start winning the argument.
And I can’t understand why we’ve been losing the argument. Obama showed again today why he should be on TV ten times a week: he’s a really good, convincing speaker. I have no idea why the White House has been hiding its best asset for the so long. Did any Democrat anywhere open their mouth during the month of August?
You darn well know what’s going on. Feingold and Sanders are never going to get on TV(unless it is Ed, KO or Maddow). Grayson was likely campaigning. And all the TradMed wants are Blue Dogs and assholes who call Obama a Socialist, and who have no idea what that means.
I hope you’re right, Booman.
I really do.
And I hope that Boehner is attacked other ways as well.
He is a dead giveaway drunk.
The sotto voce side of the Dem political machine…assuming that there is one, of course…must tar and feather Boehner in his own pickle juice.
Let us pray.
Let us pray that the Dems are not too self-righteous to use knives when in a knife fight.
Them pillows just don’t work.
just watched a youtube of him speeching in the House drunk and crying. Didn’t know that about him – how does he get away with being drunk on the job and voters haven’t retired him yet?
You really need to read more Howie Klein at DWT.
I guess I should (?????)
weird glitch.
I’ve found that I can’t preview YouTubes but that they show up when I post. The problem cropped up suddenly and I don’t know if YouTube changed some code or if something got corrupted here.
But, anyway, you probably can post YouTubes, but you might not see them show up in preview mode.
I’ll try it.
Here’s Boehner in all his sloppy, alcoholic glory.
(I hope.)_
Nope. Didn’t work.
Now it shows up!!!
Cybermystery #1462.
yep. He’s a drunk. His staff is spineless.
Lowry is an idiot.
The thing I noticed was that everyone was there: Reps Kucinich, Fudge and Boccieri along with Sen. Brown and senate hopeful Lee Fisher, Cleveland Mayor Jackson and Gov. Strickland. This is not ’94 where pols didn’t want to be seen with Clinton.
Obama mentions Boehner in Ohio because he’s a typical Republican moron of the type Ohioans know well.
Was Coussole(sp?) invited? He’s the guy taking on Orange Julius.
He has always aligned himself with all the objectives of the Party, thinking nothing of himself. His Stakhanovite efforts to advance the Revolution have earned him the Order of Reagan, First Class.
Surely we can forgive a worker such as him his little weaknesses.
Really love “Stakhanovite.” How often do you get to pull that one out?
Every November, when we commemorate the glorious Revolution of 1980, and those who are its Vanguard.
All power to the soviets of preachers and hedge-fund managers!
Attacking Boehner is a great strategy, because it helps illustrate what our country would get if we make the mistake of giving the Republicans the majority again. The people that know him best – voters in Ohio – oppose having Boehner as Speaker 44-28%.
Nice article, BooMan. Plenty of clarity and zing. I can’t get over how awful the Republicans have become. Like intellectual and moral zombies; like alien beings consumed by a fierce desire to protect the rich and hurt the poor. How do they manage to win any House races at all?
Careful BooMan, calling Boehner an idiot is sure to give rise to another Gilroy post about your having missed the big picture.
Boehner gave an interview to a local editorial board. If there is any doubt about what having him as Speaker would mean, just read this interview. The title says it all.
John Boehner: I’ll kill health care law