Cross-posted at WinningProgressive

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (“DCCC”) has a list of all of the significant progressive legislation that has been passed by Congress and signed into the law by President Obama during the past twenty months. I have already discussed some of these accomplishments – such as the Economic Recovery Act, credit card industry reform, student loan reform and expansion, and assistance to small businesses – and I plan to discuss many of other accomplishments here soon. For now, however, I urge you to check out the DCCC list to see how successful President Obama and Congressional Democrats have been, even in the face of the Republican’s historically unprecedented obstructionism.

Of course, much work remains to be done, including:

  • Continuing the economic recovery
  • protecting and improving on the accomplishments that have already been achieved
  • repealing don’t ask, don’t tell
  • rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure
  • immigration reform
  • creating a clean energy economy
  • addressing climate change
  • providing tax relief to individuals and small businesses on income under $250,ooo per year
  • confirming judges who will stem the tide of pro-corporate conservative judicial activism

This long list of accomplishments and the list of work that remains to be done are both key reasons why I am going to be out there fighting hard to protect and expand progressive Democratic majorities in November.

Are you one of the tens of millions of Americans who benefit from the significant accomplishments of President Obama and the Democratic Congress over the past twenty months? Are you eager to see that progress continue, so that our nation can continue its economic recovery and tackle other major opportunities and challenges that we face? If so, write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper so that you can let folks know how you feel.