Twenty six year old Cop breaks neck of drunken 84 year old WWII vet for touching him:
Bar owner Tim Scott said the veteran “had a few drinks but he wasn’t out of control.”
Details were scarce on what happened next, but Scott said Daley touched the unidentified police officer one to three times in a non-threatening fashion. The officer responded by throwing the senior to the pavement, the bar owner said.
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Scott said. “He hip-checked the guy and slammed his head into the pavement. He [Daley] is too old for that.”
Well that’s the bar owner whose bar the 84 year old man was frequenting. What does the cop have to say?
“Daley Jr. also continued to slap my right shoulder with his hand and state several times, ‘I was a federal officer for twenty years. I fought in three wars I know what I’m talking about!’ I stated to Daley Jr again in a clear voice, ‘Do not touch me.’ Hill [the tow truck driver] then approached Daley Jr. and attempted to persuade him to leave the scene. Daley Jr. then reached out with his left hand and grabbed the right side of my neck. Daley Jr. then raised his right hand while making a closed fist, and cocked his right hand back as if to throw a punch. Daley Jr. then stated, ‘I’m not going anywhere till I knock out this cop.’ I immediately feared a physical attack was imminent so I grabbed Daley Jr’s left wrist with my left hand while placing my right hand on his left elbow. I then pivoted on the ball of my left foot while dropping my right knee toward the ground. I then directed Daley Jr. to the ground with an arm bar technique”
Guess Officer Jordan didn’t have time to dodge a drunken 84 year old man’s punch. So I’m sure it was all on the up and up to smash him to the ground with an “armbar” technique, right? At least he didn’t taser him and put the vet into cardiac arrest.
By the way, what is an armbar technique?
Oh. My.
“I am focusing on the action of this person. People, 84, can kill officers, too, can cold-cock my officer in the face, knock him out and now you’ve got an officer laying down on the ground with a gun, and everything is completely out of control.”
Police forces increasingly see their job as imposing obedience for it’s own sake, hence their neurotic complex about “control”. This is the 1% doctrine applied to a personal scale. Any degree of non-compliance is treated, for the purposes of policing, as an imminent threat to police order itself, hence lethal force is justified by what are essentially paranoid delusions.
Essentially each police officer has become a little unified executive, a king for a day.
Feared a physical attack from an 84-year old man? What a wimp!
Of course, he didn’t fear him. He just felt like beating him up.
It’s almost like it would be ok if the guy this cop assaulted was a young person.
This 26 year old police officer joined the force less than 2 years ago, the fall of 2008, and he has already had 3 internal affairs investigations.
An out-of-control police officer will end up costing a municipality many millions of dollars when a jury in a civil trial gets done.