It’s funny to see how journalists on the both the left and the right approach Tea Partiers as an anthropologist would. You live among them and document the atrocities to human reason, the curious hang-ups, the stunning lack of clear vision. E.J. Dionne says that they’re overhyped and basically a scam. But, they have seven Senate candidates, do they not?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
PJ O’Rourke a “journalist”? Please. His analysis is just as thin now as when he stuck to being a humorist.
well, whatever it is that he produced resembles journalism to me.
Yes, seven candidates and the best PR machine huge corporate and useless-heir money can buy. Plus America’s permanent racist/idiot/ignorance-worshiping 35 percent. Given the advantages, they’re really making kind of poor showing.
I’d argue that the Tea Partiers do not, in fact, have candidates. The powerful interests they’re giving populist credibility to, do.