With all that’s going on in this country and the world right now, one would think that progressive bloggers have better things to do than carp back and forth at each other. Really what is the benefit of a pissing contest when the Republicans and their mega-corporate (Wall Street bankers, Insurance Companies, Big Oil, etc.) leash holders could be back in charge of Congress after November? Still some people can find nothing better to do than fight among themselves about trivial crap.

I am referring to Jane Hamsher’s recent rants against Obama and his staff in which John Cole at Balloon Juice was mentioned and Cole’s reply. Jane, find something better to do with your time.

I know you don’t like the Democrats we have in office now so why not focus your efforts on promoting and urging contributions to progressive candidates running campaigns in difficult Congressional districts even if the cause may seem hopeless. After all the Conservative Movement didn’t takeover Washington;s establishment in a day.

And John, why bother responding at all to an article in which you were a bit player at best, except to say it wasn’t true you were a member of Jornolist. Why bother going into attack mode? Not a good use of your time either.

Can we put away the knives and just try to prevent the worst case scenario and get back to sniping each other after the election? Because a Congress in the hands of the GOP would effectively destroy federal government in this country for the next two years, years I believe will be critical to the future of our nation.

I’m not big on everything the Obama administration has done (as those who read me regularly well know) but an outcome in which new Senators Rand Paul, Joe Miller, Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell and their mini-me GOP House look-alike teabaggers join the familiar Republican crazies already in Congress in January and assume control of the Legislative Branch is alarming at best. At worst it means a politics of increased nastiness and futility as the country’s economy goes into a death spiral, our infrastructure crumbles and The Club for Growth gets what it wants: a federal government that is at a standstill, helpless to accomplish anything positive.

It could even lead to outbreaks of worsening violence against liberals, African Americans, GLBT, Hispanics, Muslims and other not lily white Christian people from among the increasingly strident right wing fringe groups who are encouraged by these crazed cheerleaders of hate against anyone not a True Tea Party Believer Aren’t Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck bad enough already? Do we really want to see more of their ilk in Washington running investigations out the wazoo, de-funding government, and on our TV’s every night calling for Democratic and Liberal blood? We don’t want that do we?

So maybe for a brief time we could act like responsible adults. That’s what we’re supposed to be after all, the “reality based community.” Isn’t it?