Its so refreshing to see the Republican candidate threaten to “take out” NY Post reporter Fred Dicker about alleged stalking by the Post’s photographers of his out of wedlock daughter.

Gee Carl, don’t you know the NY Post is an Rupert Murdoch newspaper, a paper known for its support of Republicans? They’re the best friends you’ve got. Of course, maybe you should have just answered Dickers question which had nothing to do with your daughter. What was that question, by the way?

Well, Paladino claimed that the Democratic candidate for Governor, Andrew Cuomo, is having an affair. Such a civil political accusation. When Dickers asked Paladino if he had any proof to back up his allegations of a Cuomo affair Paladinao flew in to a rage, as the video clip from WIVB above demonstrates.

I guess Paladino is like the show Jackass: unfiltered and very, very raw:

The blunt and unvarnished nature of Paladino’s allegations marked a jarring departure from statewide campaign norms, where charges of a highly sensitive or personal nature are rarely leveled by candidates themselves and are instead typically disseminated behind-the-scenes by operatives.

“No buffer, no aides, no filter, nothing. This never happens,” said one Republican strategist of Paladino’s remarks.

Welcome to the new “Tea Party” reality that is your Republican party, Mr. anonymous GOP strategist. Not that I blame you for refusing to allow the reporters to identify you. Paladino might want to “take you out” too if he knew who you were. No ifs ands or buffers.