Month: September 2010

NFL Thread

Well, NFL teams had to cut down their rosters to 53 men today and a lot of people are now out of a job. We have our BooTrib fantasy football draft tomorrow, so if you are in the league, don’t forget. I’m not taking...

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Casual Observation

Tony Blair’s decision to go along with the invasion of Iraq destroyed his reputation, killed the Labour Party, discredited Blairism, and gave new life to the Tories. In other words, it was good news for conservatives....

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Stupid People

There’s a fingernail-on-the-chalkboard feel to every one of these Gail Collins-David Brooks chats. Brooks is so clueless and Collins so indulging, it just makes me want to throw up. This week, it’s ‘David...

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God Outed as Republican Fundraiser

Yes, it’s true. Joe Miller, Alaska’s GOP nominee for the Senate after a surprising, some would say miraculous victory over Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary, has revealed that the Supreme Being is indeed...

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