Want to know who comprises “The Majority” as it is presently forming here today?

Not a numerical majority but most likely an electoral one this time around?

Look no further.

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Being Glenn Beck

Read this article.

I was spellbound. And scared to death. I have not looked hard at Beck…too ugly and (I thought), too weak. I was wrong. His strength lies in his weakness. In his resemblance to his followers.

Here they come.

The Know-Nothings.

The original Know-Nothings were a pre-Civil War American political party that was so paranoid about its place in the society that it instructed its members to answer “I know nothing” when questioned about it.



Read on.

This regressive movement that is afoot in US politics actually not only “knows nothing”, it revels in that fact and actually idolizes a man who daily makes a point of confessing that he doesn’t have a clue, even about himself.

From the aforementioned article:

[Beck] is fragile, on the edge. There is no template for him or for where he is headed. “I have not prepared my whole life to be here,” Beck told me from his plush couch, his face turning bright pink. “I prepared my whole life to be in a back alley.” I expected him to cry, but he did not.

Like dat.

And he is kicking ass and taking names, weeping all the while.

How? Why?

Because he is just like his followers, that’s why.

Unbalanced in the extreme.

Contrast him to Barack Obama, a man of mixed racial ancestry whose whole life has been dedicated to achieving and maintaining a personal and societal balance in the face of a racist society that when he was born was still beating and lynching black men in the south for looking wrong at a white woman.

And the left is not backing Obama’s play because he is somehow not “radical” enough?


Wake the fuck up.

We are at a tipping point.

We either tip backwards into the nasty white supremacist past or tip forwards into a future that at least holds out a chance for survival.

This next month is going to tell the tale… at least the beginning of it. If there is a real rightward sea change in November’s vote…and I personally think that such a change is exactly what is going to happen unless the centrist hypnomedia is even stronger than even I have ever guessed…then the next two years will be the final battle.

Forward or backward.

Now’s the time.

Decision time.

Stop mewling about Obama’s tactical decisions and get behind his shit or lose it all.


