Those of you who have been reading my stuff for several years will remember the many times that I have stated the following idea.
The first politician…left, right or center, correct, totally wrong or anywhere in between, it makes no difference whatsoever…the first one who stands up and says in unequivocal language “I am tired of this shit and I will not take it anymore” will win and win big.
Carl Paladino is that politician.
Bet on it.
And if he wins, more right wing pols will follow him using the same tactic.
Read on for more.
Paldino is pulling no punches. I believe that he does indeed have some sort of serious dirt on Andrew Cuomo, dirt that he is ready to spill, and short of a complete public meltdown or a scandal well beyond having fathered a child out of wedlock (a child that he supported, by the way) I think that he is either going to come very close to winning or score a huge upset.
What does this mean to the leftinesses out there and the Democratic Party in general?
Time to stand up and speak our minds.
No holds barred.
Nominating waffling, transparently dishonest assholes like that fool Blumenthal in Connecticut ain’t gonna do it. If Blumenthal wins it will only be due to the low quality of his opponent. She is married to (and a business partner of) Vince McMahon, one of the nastiest fish ever to swim in our polluted media ocean.
I will never forget the interview that he did with poor little Bob Costas many years ago. It was one of the worst examples of sheer bullying tactics that I have ever seen, and had I been Costas I would have called him right there, taken the beating that would have ensued and ended his career on the spot.
Watch some of it.
Linda McMahon slept in the same bed with this steroided-out fool, and that alone should disqualify her for public office.
But I digress.
When I say to people here “Wake the fuck up” I ain’t just whistling Dixie. These nutcases…and Paladino is certainly one, although he’s also a shrewd politician in my estimation who realizes that freely expressed anger will quite possibly get him over the top here…these nutcases are connecting on an emotional level with voters whose lives are ruled by “emotion.”
And the left is trying to reason with them.
Ain’t working.
Goota reach out and grab their heartstrings.
How to do that?
Stand up and let our anger show.
Obama is being too presidential.
Who’s the mad dog lefty that’s going to reach some people on a national level?
Damned if I know.
But as I wrote recently here:
…if the U.S. electorate…the voting electorate, those who are actually going to go to the polls…is roughly split up into about 30% Republican and 30% Democrat, then the 40% “other” is what will decide any given national election. So essentially, the party that can gather about 21% of the electorate plus hold its own members is the one that will win any given election.
Hmmmm…now if you parse this even further and say that the 40% “undecided” group generally leans 30% left and 30% right as well (A fair assumption, given my own travels through the class levels of America, although the whole Tea Party thing may skew that number somewhat this year and maybe on into 2012 if the mass media does not take the movement down at the knees by then as a threat to business as usual.), then you are dealing with a true !5% or 16% of the total electorate that is really in play. (40% of 40%=16%).
Roughly 20 million people.
Reach a little over 10 million people and you have a victory. A bit over 200,000 per state.
Damned right it is.
We shall see.
We shall see.
Soon enough.
What’s it to be, folks?
More drybones, plotting old pols like Reid and Pelosi? Privileged sons of the system like Andrew Cuomo? People who assume that they will win because…well, because they’re important!!! Because they have a lot of money plus the support on the inner sanctum guys?
Palin et al will eat them up!!!
The intellectual approach, like Obama’s?
That’s doing real well, ain’t it.
More progressive leftiness jowl shaking on the blogs?
Preaching a dull sermon to a tiny and helpless choir?
Where’s the fire this time???
Like I said…damned if I know.
But without it?
Gonna get nasty.
If this right wing fire goes viral…I dunno. Things are going to get very bad here, very soon.
Bet on it.
Crazy notion. Never!
Watch and learn, Shergald.
52%-48% worst case if he loses.
Hedge my bets?
What gambler doesn’t?
He can blow up at any time. Either an uncovered true or hyped media-manufactured/Cuomo campaign-manufactured scandal can do it, and so can his barely under control temper. If so…all bets off.
There is a red tide ‘a comin’ in the US.
Bet on it.
Arthur, If Paladino comes within 10 points of Cuomo, then I will eat my computer.
After his sad so-called “debate” appearance, I must agree. There is a lower limit to how stupid a Tea Party-type opponent can appear in public and still win. Right now he is on the nether side of that line. Christine O’Donnell may be too, but let’s not place any bets quite yet. A line that places a critter like Sarah Palin on the plus side is so low that it might actually be at rock bottom.