What a funny headline: Some Democrats uneasy with attacks on Chamber of Commerce. As if we didn’t know that. The Chamber is spending 75 million dollars to try to help the Republicans retake Congress, and we still have some Democrats complaining that the president is being mean to them. There are two wings to the Democratic Party. One contains what we think of as conventional Democrats. The other contains tools of the Chamber of Commerce and Wall Street. The president comes from the conventional side, but he has to keep the two groups working together. Obama’s attempt to ACORN the Chamber of Commerce is a breach of etiquette for the New Dems and Blue Dogs, some of whom have actually won the Chamber’s endorsement. Most of these fools were going to lose their seats anyway, mainly because they watered down the president’s agenda which made his policies less popular. And then they failed to defend the unpopular policies that they helped to make unpopular. On top of that, in an election cycle where conservatives are highly motivated, these corporate Dems eschewed the one thing that could save them: criticizing the Republicans’ plutocratic agenda by taking on the Big Banks, Big Oil Spillers, Big Insurers, and the Fat Cats asking for tax relief.

They’re not too different from Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) who famously told us to stop being mean to BP during the catastrophe in the Gulf.

Taking on the Chamber is a no-brainer, unless you plan on doing their bidding and winning their support.