Everyone loves to hate the Yankees, and I fully understand the resentment. But I hope people on the left, at least, understand that the Texas Rangers are the greater evil.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
No, they are not.
Right state, wrong team, wrong sport.
The Cowboys are the greater evil.
The Rangers are going to get squashed. And I will enjoy watching it happen.
Are you kidding me? Yankees deserve everything bad that happens to them.
Haha. Nice try.
I’d make the argument that the Rangers winning the World Series would be a shining beacon of hope that the United States as a whole is not doomed, and that it is in fact possible to recover and prosper after years of failed leadership by George W. Bush.
F*ck the Yankees.
It sucks that Dubya has come out of hiding. What sucks even more is that Nolan Ryan was a boyhood hero(You Philly bums got lucky in 1980 .. as that was the year J.R. Richard suffered his stroke)
Booman, you’re going to make the argument that we should root for the Yankees because their opponents’ former owner was successful yet obnoxious? Seriously?
He got a huge ROI with the Rangers, and got elected governor twice and President of the US twice. Yeah, that’s successful. The fact that he wasn’t either remotely qualified for those jobs or any good at them won’t have much impact at all on how he spends the rest of his days, which is extremely comfortably in his own little bubble.
In a just world, of course, he’d be up on charges for his numerous crimes against humanity. But it’s not a just world, which is exactly why he’s successful.
Me, I’d rather root against the Rangers because Tom Hicks threw the sport out of whack by dumping $250 million on Alex Rodriguez. Not to mention they’re in Dallas, and as someone who once lived in Houston, that’s a problem. Guess I’ll just pull for the Giants…Tim Lincecum being the Dock Ellis of our day, and all…
Lincenum pitched on acid?
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The thing is, after all those years of steroid ball, it’s nice to see a team that values baserunning as much as the Rangers. Now, if W still owned the team it would be a different story, but I can’t root for the Yankees just because W used to own the Rangers.
Then root against them because Bush fraudulently obtained the land for the stadium they play in. There is a permanent stain.
I believe it can be argued that every square inch of Texas has been fraudulently obtained by someone or another – the city maps thereabouts are insane…
When that place was first built, there was nothing around that stadium. I just looked at Google Maps, and now the Cowboys new eyesore is right across a few parking lots from the Rangers place. Wow!!
Interesting observation. It just so happens that I posted the following this morning as my “status” on Facebook.
“What a moral dilemma! Do I root for the vile, most hated Yankees, or the team formerly owned in part by George W. Bush?
Go Yankees!”
The Rangers are, after the improbable rise of the Saints, the ultimately professional sports underdog. Trust me, I’ve been following them for nearly 40 years. After decades of pitchers on acid, Billy Martin, Eddie Stanky, Lenny Randle punching out Frank Lucchesi, Jose Canseco bouncing balls off his head, Roger Moret falling into catatonic trances, enough bad trades to fill three halls of fame with former Rangers prospects, an ace starter who would smoke between innings, Bobby Valentine’s braying ego, pitching staffs throwing footballs around Arlington Stadium, unbearable August heat even at night, the infamous Cleveland ten-cent beer night brawl, the Puerto Rican Olympic Juicing Team… we finally won something.
Don’t begrudge the desert wanderer his drink at the water fountain!
there’s a true baseball fan!
The Texas Rangers were the greater evil until Tom Hicks was forced to unload the team because he’s a fraud. Now that Nolan Ryan is lead owner, I feel more forgiving of them than, say, the Dodgers for all the gay bashing while News Corp owned the team.