It’s still looking like a bloodbath is coming our way on November 2nd, but a lot of the races are very, very close. One race that is about to get interesting is the South Carolina gubernatorial contest.

In an affidavit released this afternoon by FITSNews’ Will Folks, the controversial blogger and one-time spokesman for Gov. Mark Sanford provides new details about his claims that he had an “inappropriate physical relationship” with GOP gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley.

According to the affidavit, Haley and Folks “shared [their] first kiss while sitting in her parked car outside of MacDougal’s restaurant and bar” in Columbia. The kiss reportedly took place in 2007.

Following the kiss, the pair allegedly drove to a “parking lot behind the neighborhood center at Emily Douglas Park, where [they] parked for approximately 45 minutes. There we slid back the seats of her Cadillac SUV so that Rep. Haley could climb on top of me.”

Folks also claims that following that first encounter, he saw Haley numerous times during Spring 2007, with most of the encounters taking place at his downtown Columbia apartment. He also states that other “romantic encounters occurred in her SUV (including one in the parking lot of the S.C. Policy Council) and in her Statehouse office.”

The problem is that Nikki Haley was married at the time of this affair. During the primaries, when Folks first made these allegations, it was possible to see it as a dirty trick carried out because Folks supported a different candidate. But now that we’re in the general election, that theory no longer makes much sense. There are phone records that tend to support Folks’s story. I don’t know what his motive is, but it may be as simple as that he thinks the public should know that Haley is an adulteress before they vote for her.