Things have gotten a little crazy in West Virginia, and I don’t just mean that the Democrat has gone full metal wingnut. The Republican wants exactly 1,000 lasers in space so we can shoot down incoming ICBM’s. And he want’s them in place yesterday. It’s of paramount importance.
Carnacki captures the mood, but fasteddie9318 has the analysis.
Anyone who proposes the development of less than full Death Star technology is fundamentally unserious.
I vote for a Death Star.
The jaw just drops again. All I can think of is a magazine I bought some time ago…
Somewhere in a box in my attic is a copy of the 1984 Der Spiegel that has the picture of Reagan on the cover wearing a Vader helmet.
Things have gotten a little crazy in West Virginia, and I don’t just mean that the Democrat has gone full metal wingnut.
So you’re admitting that Manchin is going to be worse than Byrd? And right around Ben Nelson on the asshatery scale?
Worse than Byrd? Wait, nobody said that. How could anybody be worse than Byrd? He was a member of the KKK in 1907. He played country fiddle and quoted Cicero. Let’s keep things in perspective.
I am just hoping Manchin doesn’t shoot me in the face.
Plainly 1000 lasers > 1 rifle.
I yearn for the day when our military policies are not being crafted and funded by overgrown teenage boys.
Going to cost one Hell of a lot more than $20B. Probably more like $1T. And that’s a conservative (pardon the term) estimate.
Death Star?
“I have a very bad feeling about this…”
That’s no moon…