Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I saw it when it was 5-0 and the Yankees had no score yet. Even then, I knew the Yankees were going to win. I just knew.
on October 15, 2010 at 7:24 pm
Putting aside my Yankee bashing just this one time, only because it’s the TX Rangers. Once owned by Shrub, who’s still their most prominent fan, as Fox TV and Joe Buck et al will undoubtedly remind the viewer time and again. Now owned by another Repub who, quite appropriately, when he was a player used to throw from the right side and who played for years for the right-wing cowboy owner of the Angels in the right-wing Orange County CA locale of Anaheim.
Team plays in a place not far from Dallas — enough said right there — and, iirc, arrangements were made, sneakily it would seem, for the taxpayers to foot the bill for their stadium.
The Yankees, who now are under an added burden to do their duty, play even a little harder, and prevent the wrong team and their idiotic First Fan from advancing, no longer are burdened themselves by having to answer for their controversial but now-deceased owner.
Yes, they still carry with them that overdog overpaid Goldman Sachs executive air, but otoh and most importantly, they’re from a dynamic and culturally liberal, if occasionally wacko, city located in a solidly Blue state and for some of us of a political bent, that’s most of your calculation right there.
I had CJ Wilson on my fantasy team this season (got him almost half way into the year) – a dependable pitcher almost every game with lots of strikeouts. Cmon CJ!
Check out this VoteVets ad for Harry Reid (1:30) that they have been running regularly on Nevada lacal television of late. Really impressive. When my dad and I are watching TV together and it comes on we both go silent. Good stuff.
Man, that’s just awful. What’s next, cheering for Goldman Sachs?
I should add: “Fuck the fucking Yankees!” –Steve Gilliard
oh, what now? 6-5 and still no outs.
It’s a good thing I got the really good sedatives out for this one.
They are still the Texas Rangers.
I saw it when it was 5-0 and the Yankees had no score yet. Even then, I knew the Yankees were going to win. I just knew.
Putting aside my Yankee bashing just this one time, only because it’s the TX Rangers. Once owned by Shrub, who’s still their most prominent fan, as Fox TV and Joe Buck et al will undoubtedly remind the viewer time and again. Now owned by another Repub who, quite appropriately, when he was a player used to throw from the right side and who played for years for the right-wing cowboy owner of the Angels in the right-wing Orange County CA locale of Anaheim.
Team plays in a place not far from Dallas — enough said right there — and, iirc, arrangements were made, sneakily it would seem, for the taxpayers to foot the bill for their stadium.
The Yankees, who now are under an added burden to do their duty, play even a little harder, and prevent the wrong team and their idiotic First Fan from advancing, no longer are burdened themselves by having to answer for their controversial but now-deceased owner.
Yes, they still carry with them that overdog overpaid Goldman Sachs executive air, but otoh and most importantly, they’re from a dynamic and culturally liberal, if occasionally wacko, city located in a solidly Blue state and for some of us of a political bent, that’s most of your calculation right there.
You do realize we’re trying to grow readership, right?
Lots of people in New York. Can’t believe we tied it up. Oh wait! Of course I can believe it.
yeah go Yankees…go home! 🙂 Go Giants!!
Sabathia is getting hammered. Booman your lucky Oswalt isn’t pitching for Texas or it would be over already.
Sabathia has totally been off tonight.
What now?
Gotta love Boo doing some smack talking 😉 Michael Young has to at least knock that ball down .. meaning the A-Rod one in the eighth
Nothing like a lead to bring out the smack talk Calvin. It was probably hard for him to type through the tears.
Well well look who is back posting tonight. Your night is looking up.
I had CJ Wilson on my fantasy team this season (got him almost half way into the year) – a dependable pitcher almost every game with lots of strikeouts. Cmon CJ!
Ho ho ho – Yanks pull it out. Now if Dems can do the same, I WILL be a happy camper.
Whew. Thought for a while I’d jinxed the Yanks by throwing them some of my support.
They look like one of those scrappy teams that never gives up and kind of nickels and dimes its way to victory. Not exactly the Bronx Bombers of yore.
And, btw, where’s Hadecki Matsui? Or Bernie Williams?
on the iphone/ipod, watch the clip called “Yankees’ five-run eighth.” It ends with a reaction shot of George W. Bush that is priceless.
Alex Rodriguez 2010 salary: 33 M
total Yankee player salary 2010: 200 M
new Yankee stadium: 1300 M
W.’s face after the 6-5 loss: priceless
Yankees? Uh, whatever.
Check out this VoteVets ad for Harry Reid (1:30) that they have been running regularly on Nevada lacal television of late. Really impressive. When my dad and I are watching TV together and it comes on we both go silent. Good stuff.