How many of the following Democrats have pledged to vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker, voted for the health care bill, voted for Cap and Trade, voted for the stimulus bill, and voted for Wall Street Reform?
Among the endangered Democrats counting on a substantial black turnout are Representatives Bobby Bright of Alabama, Allen Boyd of Florida, Sanford D. Bishop Jr. and Jim Marshall of Georgia, Frank Kratovil Jr. of Maryland, Travis W. Childers of Mississippi, Steve Driehaus and Betty Sutton of Ohio, John M. Spratt Jr. of South Carolina, Chet Edwards of Texas, and Glenn Nye and Tom Perriello of Virginia.
Here’s the problem. These Democrats need blacks to have their back even though most of them have not had the president’s back…at least, not consistently. And if your are not even going to vote for Pelosi then who gives a crap if you win reelection? In every case, their opponents are worse. But maybe these candidates should have thought about who they’d need to win reelection instead of how they could distance themselves from the president and the Democratic leadership. Each candidate has a distinct record so, for example, Perriello has nothing to apologize for. Most of them have taken at least one courageous vote. But, as a group, they’ve been running scared, and that doesn’t inspire progressive Democrats to come out and vote for you.
it would be tough for me to vote for any of these BooMan. you can’t ask folks to have the President’s Back, when they won’t even appear at rallies with the President. you run from the President – why should you get a Democrat’s vote?
Why is Tom Perriello on this list? He’s been a lot more supportive of the President’s agenda than the anyone but maybe Sutton and Spratt. And isn’t Spratt in leadership(or chairs an important committee)?
He isn’t on my list. He’s listed in the article, and I explicitly defended him.
I hope Glenn Nye loses. The Chamber endorsed him.
Have you taken a look at his opponent?
No, but there isn’t much of a difference. The only reason he’s worth keeping around is for sheer numbers and that he’s pro-choice.
He’s not going to be supportive of Pelosi if the Democrats keep the House, so other than the numbers he’s no different than his opponent.
Besides, he holds no seniority. He was elected in 2008. If he held seniority like Boucher that’d be another reason to keep him. He doesn’t, he’s worthless, he’s expendable. I’ll put energy towards Perriello, not his worthless ass.
His opponent has a MBA from Regent University.
He & Michelle have been doing lots of black outreach thru black media. He told them he needs their help and that is all that is necessary. They’re fully aware that he’s under constant attack and they know the attacks are very often racially tinged. These freaks also have attacked Michelle & the kids while progs pout. Like me, they’ve seen this movie before or heard about it from their parents in the 1960’s. That’s why 80% polled as interested to more interested in voting than they were in 2008. A polite MSM does not discuss things like racial attacks! A progressive really wouldn’t understand that unless they were black. He is fully aware the Netroots has turned on him. It’s very apparent to anyone that can read!
I have an interracial family & they are livid!
So your support of the President is based solely on his skin color? You are as bad as the Teabaggers.
yeah, because she said that. What kind of comment is that?
Wow. What is happening is that the enthusiasm gap is closing rapidly because of the racial attacks on Obama; that means that African-American turnout will be even higher than it was in 2008, something that the polls are not capturing. And the commenter reports this from the perspective of her family.
The question is why are progressives not understanding that electing Republicans does not punish the administration? And the assertion is that progressives do not understand what solidarity means.
As a white Southern progressive, I agree with the commenter about the tendency of white liberals to collapse if victories don’t come quickly enough. It is what happened when McGovern was defeated in 1972. It is what happened when white liberals sat on their hands in 1980 because Kennedy didn’t win the primary; that reversed demonstrable progress in eliminating racism in the South and gave legitimacy to resegregating schools.
Speaker John Boehner (or if Justin Coussoule is successful, Speaker Eric Cantor) is a possibility that is not taken seriously by a lot of white liberals. And the LGBT community is about to commit political suicide because they don’t think Obama is honest about dealing with DADT and DOMA. How will a Republican House help that one?
Turnout is important in this election. Especially turnout that is not perceived in the opinion polls. That means turning out unlikely voters. And not telling the pollsters what you are doing. It’s what is likely to save John Spratt. Might even defeat some loopy Southern Republicans.
More than in 2008, every vote is important in this election. Otherwise, we go backward for another decade. And guess what? Canada won’t take us in.
While it is more nuanced than “based solely on his skin color” I would say that his skin color is the overriding reason for my support of the president. In case you missed it, a Black man has been elected president of the United States of America. If he fails then it could be another 235 before another Black man is elected president, so yes – I do support him in large part because of his skin color.
That, and he’s probably the most qualified of the 300 million citizens of this country to govern this divided country at this chaotic period in our history.
When someone attacks “one of yours” you defend them and counterattack, at least I do, and many people in my neck of the woods do too. I understand that others may want to just talk about all of this, but I act.
Altmire, Dahlkemper, Polis ….
Spratt has been supportive and needs at least one more term — he’s aging out at 68. Perriello did vote with the President on some tough votes and stood up in his town hall meetings and told his constituents why and answered their questions forthrightly. Perriello has not been running scared if you read the local media.
Glenn Nye is not even advertising himself as a Democrat; fond goodbye to him. Boucher fits in the same class as Nye but Boucher is relatively safe. Travis Childers is from Mississippi’s 1st district, probably the whitest district in Mississippi (Tupelo – Elvis country); he holds the seat that Republican Roger Wicker, the Republican Senator used to hold.
Chet Edwards, talked about for VP, is a snake. Fond farewell to him.
It also seems that Blanche is going to take down Mike Ross (BD – PhRMA) with her.
just for the sake of knowing…
just exactly WHO did these pissants think should be Speaker if the Dems keep the House?
An old white man of course. Steny Hoyer! If you thought Tom Daschle(I know .. other branch of Congress) was good .. you’ll love Hoyer. Corrupt tool to the max.
It’s likely they did not vote for Pelosi as speaker in 2007. It’s even more likely that if the Democrats maintain control of the House that Pelosi will be re-elected Speaker by a larger margin (as a percentage) because there will be fewer of these types left in the House.
No doubt Steny Hoyer thinks he has the inside track on their loyalty. If it comes to a down-and-out fight for Speaker, it is conceivable that Clyburn would be a compromise candidate.
as much as I adore Clyburn…
Pelosi has done her job as Speaker. PERIOD.
I agree. But if enough Blue Dogs win, there might be a fight. If enough other Democrats win, Pelosi has a lock because the Blue Dog ranks will be diminished. I just don’t see the progressive Democratic caucuses rolling over for Steny Hoyer.
Ditto on Clyburn and Pelosi.