I can’t wait for next year.
Republicans aren’t interested in compromising with President Obama on major issues if they retake the House or Senate, a senior GOP lawmaker said.
“Look, the time to go along and get along is over,” said Rep. Mike Pence (Ind.), the chairman of the House Republican Conference. “House Republicans know that. We’ve taken firm and principled stands against their big government plans throughout this Congress, and we’ve got, if the American people will send them, we’ve got a cavalry of men and women headed to Washington, D.C. that are going to stand with us.”
Pence said his party wouldn’t compromise on issues like spending or healthcare reform, two of the weightiest items on Congress’s agenda next year, when the Republicans could control one or both chambers.
“Look, there will be no compromise on stopping runaway spending, deficits and debt. There will be no compromise on repealing Obamacare. There will be no compromise on stopping Democrats from growing government and raising taxes,” Pence told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt Thursday evening. “And if I haven’t been clear enough yet, let me say again: No compromise.”
So, if the Republicans are in the majority in either House, we will have another government shutdown, because the president is not going to sign their budget.
set things up so that whatever action your opponent takes, you can criticize them as being in the wrong.
—and Dems fall for it every time…..
Good. We shouldn’t be compromising with these clowns anyways until they decide they are serious about trying to solve the major issues facing our country. After we keep our Democratic majorities on Nov. 2, our next task will be pushing the Dems to stop trying to work with people who have no interest in working with us.
Is there a video of Pence’s statement. It would make a great campaign ad — for Democrats.
With a photo of Baghdad in the background.
So are there any Dems out there pointing out that there was no compromise before, either? Or will these assholes get away as usual with their flaming lies about how they went along to get along?
OTOH, given what we’ve come to, maybe a government shutdown is the tonic we need to finally wake up. Nothing else seems to work.
Of course, it will be Obama who shut down the government because it was the only way to forward his Socialist Muslim agenda ..
But the cavalry will ride in and save us.
The US has become a 1950s comic book.
I welcome a government shutdown. Our politics are begging for a showdown. Let’s have it.
Be careful what you ask for. Folks already are having their unemployment compensation run out. A government shutdown would halt transmission of Social Security payments. Problem is that there would be two years for the Republicans to repair their image and have the same voters vote for them again.
Obviously there are costs. I welcome a shutdown if the leadership knows how to play it. So, yeah, they probably don’t.