Cross-posted at Winning Progressive

The Service Employee International Union (“SEIU”), which discloses the sources of its political funds, has a great new ad running in Nevada about the threat that the tea party Republican candidate for Senate poses to women specifically, and the electorate in general.  As the ad explains, the Republican candidate opposes choice even in cases of rape or incest, opposes student loans, has said she does not believe it would be her job to work to bring jobs to Nevada, and wants to privatize Social Security.

This ad is effective in two ways.  First, it shows how government can and does help people at every stage of their life.  Second, it shows what is at stake in this election – the two parties have significantly different views on critical issues, such as choice, Social Security, making college more affordable, and creating jobs, which is why it is so important that the Democrats retain their majorities on November 2.  

This SEIU ad should be modified for a number of other key races across the country.  For example,

There are critical issues at stake in this election, and Republican candidates are proposing a radical agenda on these issues.   So, make sure you go vote early, canvass and phonebank for your Democratic candidates, write a letter to your local newspaper, and talk to your family, friends, and neighbors about why we need to keep the sensible Democratic majorities and fight back against the Republicans’ radical agenda.