Here’s what I’d like to read instead of George Will’s crap:
There are hundreds of plausible nominees for the title of America’s Second-Smarmiest opinion journalist, but surely the top spot is un-contested. Americans of all political persuasions can come together in affirming one proposition: Public life would be improved by scrubbing George Will from it. This act of civic hygiene probably will not be performed by Fred Hiatt and the executive board of the Washington Post Company. That’s a shame.
A lot of people think we need more Alan Graysons in the Democratic Party. I’m not one of them. He probably is the smarmiest politician in America who doesn’t belong to the Republican Party. But he tells the truth as he sees it and he fights. He’ll probably lose his bid for reelection, but it won’t be because of his antics. It will be because he serves a district that is likely to vote Republican in an election cycle like the one we’re experiencing. Grayson is a rich man. He doesn’t need the donations he’s received, but he received a lot of donations from people who are grateful that he is unafraid to be impolite. Politeness is obviously not an attribute that either side of the aisle is interested in at the moment.
I hope Grayson wins reelection because people will learn all the wrong lessons if he loses. But, if he wins, I hope he learns to pick his spots better. And I hope he spends less time on television and more time tending to his constituents. I don’t dislike Grayson and I think he’s served a valuable function in this Congress. But we don’t need more people like him. We need many fewer people like him. Unfortunately, the Republican Party is rife with bomb-throwers and they’re about to send dozens of new ones to Washington. If their antics bother George Will, we’ll never hear about it.
In an ideal world, I’d like less politicians like Grayson. It’s not an ideal world, though. There’s a reason so much money is out to kill Grayson’s political career, and it’s not because of his antics.
I’m Sorry, but with the Dems acting like a field of sheep under a wolf attack. I think that is is time that we had a few Cape Buffalo in the midst. The republicans came to play hardball and you are standing around with a badminton racquet chasing butterflies. I am of the mind that when you attack me, I plan on ether handing you your head or your teeth, you choose.
We have been effed over for years and its damn well time that we made these son of bitches pay and not just the bill but the interest that the bill has accumulated at the same time…
I am a retired US Navy Chief and I will not back down if I am right and I believe that Alan Grayson is spot on. The Repigs may not like that, but in this old Chief’s vocabulary FUCK THEM!!! I am to the point that I wouldn’t piss on a Repigliklann’s face it it’s hair were on fire…
Just this old Chief’s 2 cents!!!
Too bad there aren’t more of us.
It might help Grayson if, instead of being just as sleazy as he can be, he had tried to show how he thinks his opponents are wrong. Note: calling someone names and engaging in other childish behavior isn’t showing how he thinks they’re wrong.
It might also be helpful to know how much of the opposition to him is based on this.
We tried all that “let’s be reasonable” shit, and all we got for it was a handful of teeth. I for one am FUCKING tired of reasonable losers. I’d prefer a fighter because the Repukeliscum have been taking the hard line, and it takes a hard line to counter them.
I with we have 240 Alan Graysons. He’s a fighter, not a fucking weenie like so many on the Dem side.
Again…too bad there aren’t more of us. The most interesting thing that happened in the so-called NY gubernatorial debate (The fix was so in!!!) was that the-rent-is-too-damned-high character subsequently got the most attention. Why? Because he was hot rather than cool-to-cold. If Paladino had the chops, he would have gotten the most attention. If Grayson had been running for gov there, he would have gotten that attention.
If we cannot stop this American Idol-like trend in politics (And we cannot. Bet on it.), then we must have serious pols…and Grayson is damned serious, bet on that as well…who can hot it up with the Palinesques. The day of blathering, mealy-mouthing mainstream politics is over, killed by the internet and the whole tech explosion.
“T’ain’t whatcha do, hit’s the way atcha do it” wrote Trummy Young in he 1930s.
‘Tain’t whatcha say, hit’s the way atcha say it, too. You can speak the truth and bore people right out of the room, but you can also speak the truth and wake ’em the fuck up.
Grayson wakes ’em up.
We need more of that.
Not less.
Boo, man. Really glad to see you address this. I had been contemplating writing a little sumthin sumthin about Grayson, after seeing he might lose.
I like him. A lot. He’s correct on most issues, and chalked up a lot of his “directness” to his upbringing on the mean streets of NYC, and a career of battling the most dangerous people in the world – The Military Industrial Complex.
While I seem to mostly agree with Grayson when he appears in the media, and would probably have a lot of laughs with him in a social context as we eviscerate Repubs, I often would react with, “”D’oh. Dude, ya might wanna dial that shit back when on national TV.” That feeling is based on an understanding of where the American electorate, through no fault of our own, is at, at given time. We’re trying to change that, but it is a reality.
This is a dynamic that highlights so much of why I eventually started seeing the problems of the Poutragers, such as FDL and others. The prevailing sentiment in those circles is that if people would be more direct and confrontational like Alan Grayson, and less like President Barack Hussein Obama, people would flock to our ideals. Hell, I’ve even seen people in the Poutrage Club lose their shit about Grayson when he talks up President Obama, ferchrissakes, which Grayson does….often.
George Will will keep spouting his highly calculated and MegaMedia-owner approved nonsense as sure as the sun will rise in the East. Georgie is irrelevant. Meanwhile, America’s first melanin-enhanced President, when even many “liberals” thought it wasn’t possible, might know a thing or two about how to win elections, and I’ll take my cues from him. I like positive results. I like to win. I hope Alan Grayson does win. I know President Barack Hussein Obama has already won against all odds, and I might learn a few things from this history maker. Alan Grayson’s fate on election day will be a tremendous learning moment for any Liberal with a modicum of humility. If Grayson wins, I will gladly shut my piehole about this. If he loses, I hope some poutragers will learn from it and chill out a little about the President.
Regardless, we all gotta GOTMFV (get out the mutha f-in vote, y’all!) ESPECIALLY for Alan Grayson!
I am trying to figure out just how long the Dems seem to have had to eat shit due to the Republican Party and the MSM… The Repigliklanns have been shitting on us without respite since Nixon…. and it STILL hasn’t stopped we have had decades of their shrill crap and I for one am finished with these assholes.. My blood side of the family (what is left of it) are all Reich Wing Fundie Sons of Bitches… I could care less if they all disappear off the face of the earth tonight.. Sure would help clean up the gene pool… These pigs have screwed us from the beginning and even if they are family, I will NOT allow them to shit on me any longer..
You can play nice all you want, I gonna play like I played in the Nam… NO FUCKING Prisoners!!!
I’m more annoyed that this means George Will thinks a Democrat who fights back is more unforgivable than anything Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Ken Buck, Rand Paul, Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle, Louie Gohmert, Jim DeMint, Jim Inhofe, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Virginia Foxx, Peter King, Darrell Issa or Steve King have said or done.
Which is everything you need to know about George Fucking Will.
Somewhat OT but have you seen this little event right after the election with Scott Rasmussen on the speaker’s list? It appears he is as important as Karl Rove to the Repubulicans for his ability to engineer election results with his phony narrataive setting polls months and weeks before the election. I think it is awful that Nate Silver has Rasmussen’s polls built into his model – with or without a “house effect”.
Click on list of speakers on left side
George WILL, America’s smarmiest “pundit”.
You think that we can retreat back to some long-gone era where politicians shook their flabby jowls at each other and never said shit?
It’s over, that era.
Deal wid it.
Andrew Cuomo…whose self-satified face is scrolling across your newly commercialized website as I write…scares me more than does Carl Paladino.
He’s a nest of secrets and deals, just waiting to explode.
I am through with that kind of elitist leaders
Through with them all.
Am I imagining this, or have your positions moved even further centrist since you revamped this site?
Or…was it the other way around?
Kids’ll make you want to take less chances.
Watch out for that ivy diet, Booman.
It might be kudzu. And you know what that means, right?
Things begin to lose their edge.
Bet on it.
thanks for the counseling, AG. Bill Frist would be proud.
Fuck Bill Frist.
I “counsel” fire; you answer w/another reference to (cold) politics as usual.
We do not need politics as usual anymore, Booman.
Not Frist’s politics as usual, and increasingly, not Obama’s either.
The Tea Party is full of raggedy-brained dinosaurs, and yet that movement has seriously impacted this election.
Because they are hot raggedy-brained dinosaurs.
What if the left got hot?
The IQ scale goes straight up from right to left.
Smart hot beats dumb hot every time.
But NOOOOOOooooooo….
You mealymouth around about Grayson.
You write:
And then in the very next sentence you write:
Smarmy…a definition:
First of all, your “smarmy” description and Grayson’s act do not match up. Alan Grayson has been anything but ingratiating in public. Confrontative would be a better description. To tell the truth, “smarmy” would better describe about 98% of the lame shit that has issued from Obama’s over-compromising mouth over the last 6 years or so. Sure, he’s been working towards some good things. But the question now arises…is his method of attack working?
I say that the answer is no.
The polls are going to say it on Election Day as well.
Is Grayson going to be re-elected? Probably not. But if there were more hot Dems and fewer cold ones, he would have been in a better spot.
In fact, we would all be in a better spot.
I’m of half a mind to root for the defeat of Cuomo, Pelosi, Reid and the entire cast of cold-hearted Dem mealymouthers running for election this year. Maybe that would wake up the lame centrists.
But….NOOOOOooo to that as well.
It’ll be the same cold Dem half-assedness hat we have seen since Hubert “Humbert Humbert” Humphrey shook his humpty-hump jowls at the Dem Convention in Chicago, long ago and far away, when a whole generation go hot for a minute or two.
That was the turning point, Booman.
And now here we are, humps to the left of us, humps to the right of us, all humping the same rotten, cracked Humpty Dumpty egg for every bit of its remaining yolk joke.
Sad shit.
Very sad shit.
Start your third party so no one will pay attention to you.
Here’s a counter-suggestion.
Vote for the lame Dems and watch the nut-factor right wing take overt his country.
It would help if George Will actually looked words up before he used them. Unless Will actually sees something phony in Grayson (which may be because he thinks that rich people should only be out for getting as big of a tax cut as possible instead of, you know, giving a crap about people other than themselves), Grayson is the opposite of “smarmy”. Will, on the other hand, has his picture under that definition.
I think Will was going for smug earestness and poor taste. I know I was.
I got yer “poor taste.”
Right here!!!
We need a little poor taste.
Is it poor taste to stand up in church and accuse a priest of pedophilia?
Not if it’s true it isn’t, even if the majority of the parishioners disaaprove
Ditto in this case.
Smug earestness?
Lord, Booman!!!
Sounds more like Obama to me, not Grayson…and it sounds that way to a working majority of the electorate as well, I’m thinking.
What now?
Hot stupidity, probably.
So it goes.
Mediocre sincerity will be beaten by red hot anger every time.
Every time.
Hot the fuck up, Booman.
Fight fire with fire.
Hot the fuck up, before it’s too late.
Grayson – do I agree with him on everything?
but, he’s willing to fight. In your face fight. He understands the mofos up against them and takes the fight to them.
and, for that…I hope he wins.