Here’s what I’d like to read instead of George Will’s crap:

There are hundreds of plausible nominees for the title of America’s Second-Smarmiest opinion journalist, but surely the top spot is un-contested. Americans of all political persuasions can come together in affirming one proposition: Public life would be improved by scrubbing George Will from it. This act of civic hygiene probably will not be performed by Fred Hiatt and the executive board of the Washington Post Company. That’s a shame.

A lot of people think we need more Alan Graysons in the Democratic Party. I’m not one of them. He probably is the smarmiest politician in America who doesn’t belong to the Republican Party. But he tells the truth as he sees it and he fights. He’ll probably lose his bid for reelection, but it won’t be because of his antics. It will be because he serves a district that is likely to vote Republican in an election cycle like the one we’re experiencing. Grayson is a rich man. He doesn’t need the donations he’s received, but he received a lot of donations from people who are grateful that he is unafraid to be impolite. Politeness is obviously not an attribute that either side of the aisle is interested in at the moment.

I hope Grayson wins reelection because people will learn all the wrong lessons if he loses. But, if he wins, I hope he learns to pick his spots better. And I hope he spends less time on television and more time tending to his constituents. I don’t dislike Grayson and I think he’s served a valuable function in this Congress. But we don’t need more people like him. We need many fewer people like him. Unfortunately, the Republican Party is rife with bomb-throwers and they’re about to send dozens of new ones to Washington. If their antics bother George Will, we’ll never hear about it.