The talking heads on Morning Joe told me that Rand Paul won his debate with Jack Conway last night because he came off as ‘professorial.’ But I don’t think you can win a debate if all the news coverage coming out of it is related to one of your supporters stomping on the head of a woman.
The polls are fairly close in Kentucky and I think a lot of people are going to be quite turned off by this video footage, as they should be. No doubt, some people will get a vicarious thrill out of it, but they’re voting for Paul regardless.
they are who we thought they were. plain and simple.
bunch of no-good thug muthafuckas.
Brownshirt spawn, let’s call it what it is…
Classy headline.
you expected more from these mofos?
My headline is an obscure reference.
I loved that show. The rivalry continues…
That’s exactly who they are.
what did Paul say about his supporters doing this?
they issued a press release saying effectively that they condemn violence and that people should be civil to each other.
He said it was “unfortunate”. Like an “act of God”, I guess — no known cause. I suppose even that much risks him losing some of his neo-fascist thug base.
Sounds a lot like the “I’m sorry if anyone took offense” non-apology that has become a standard Republican reply when one of their own makes a derogatory, racist or eliminationist statement that provokes a strong reaction.
What he’s saying is that it’s unfortunate that there are still people who think things like this are indefensible. And it would certainly be most “fortunate”, in his view, if everyone just accepted that these people deserve to be pommeled and, in the end, the world would be a better place if there were none of these types of people in our midst.
Expect to hear the exact same reaction to any violent event which is provoked by the rhetoric of people like Paul.
Professorial is good now? Kentucky voters like that?
Gee. When Obama was running, professorial was bad.
Via email.
This kind of violence has no place in American society, ..
Well, unfortunately, it does. We’re all about violence, really. Always have been. Until we come to grips with that, it’s basically going to be OK. Proof that it’s basically OK in this case is that 1) no one in that entire crowd stopped it & 2) there have been no arrests.
Violence of all types — individual, institutional, physical, psychological, military — against the disadvantaged, either by sex, race, ethnic group, sexuality, economic status, religion, political affiliation, education or simple numbers — is how America works. We exist because of violence; the powerful have always been more than happy to incite violence in us for their own ends & we have always been happy to play. We are neither noble or exceptional. This is why we’re no less subject to fascist tendencies than anyone else on the globe.
This incident shouldn’t be just a chance for progressives to condemn whatever cretin assaulted this woman (again, someone at a disadvantage), but to check out his reflection in our own hearts.
why is there not a pile of people rescuing that woman from those thugs?
a) They didn’t care enough.
b) They were scared (refer to a).
c) They got off on it.
d) We’re so disengaged from immediate collective action that we won’t make a move by ourselves. We don’t trust anyone else to join in. So no one makes a move & the woman gets stomped.
This is how the desrtuction of community & its replacement by mass media works in reality.
let me just add that there are all sorts of legal, non-lethal methods of self-defense.
Pepper spray and mace are legal in many states, including Kentucky, no need for a license or registration. same with tasers.
just sayin’.
Back in the day it was a given that you’d probably confront violence at any demonstration & people learned to go prepared. Looks like we should go there.
that’s not an endorsement, by any means, more an expression of anger and frustration.
But on the other hand, how long are liberals/progressives/leftists supposed to play-act Jesus, turning the other cheek for another haymaker.
these people have made it clear, by their words, signage, and actions that they mean to do actual physical harm to the left.
Personally, I’d forget Jesus & go with the Buddhists. Intelligent self-defense is advised.
from the schoolyard to the public arena.
They are all Paulites.
Do we hear the RNC making a strong statement against violence?
My hope is that Lauren doesn’t have a head injury.
I will wait to see what the police do.
Check this out Police looking for ID of stomper
Of course they are, now that media coverage of the incident has blown up.
However, on site, they didn’t question anyone about the protester’s treatment – but they did reportedly question her. Which, in that situation, is exactly what you’d expect. The cops didn’t see it, so they’re going to take the word of the people who called them – the Paulistas – at face value. If the “suspect” happens to be, say, bleeding from the head, well, things just sometimes happen, you know?
Found him:
You can actually stand to watch Morning Joe? Not me. It just doesn’t pay to start my day by getting angrier by the minute for a full hour. I have a much better day by skipping Morning Joe completely!
Agreed. I sometimes watch Morning Joe for the first hour because Washington Journal on C-Span hasn’t started yet. It is maddening, especially when they have both Mark Halperin and Joe doing their phony Concern Troll routines trying to make Dems terrified about whatever their issue du jour is. And the whole routine with Mika pretending to be either incredibly stupid or incredibly drunk on the job is getting reeeealy old. Why not just watch Fox & Friends? At least you know what you’re getting with them.