Jesus, what a mess. I can’t remember seeing anyone getting thrown under the bus with such force. Kendrick Meek has tire-tracks running all across his back. This isn’t going to be too well-received in the black community. Meek should probably drop out of the race if it looks like it would pretty definitely throw the race to Crist, but leaking that he agreed to drop out and then changed his mind? That’s harsh.
The former president’s top aide, Doug Band, initially served as the intermediary between Meek and Crist, and Clinton became involved only when Meek signaled that he would seriously consider the option, Clinton spokesman Matt McKenna confirmed to POLITICO.
I mean, that’s an on-the-record source from Bill Clinton’s operation. Clinton just got pissed and leaked the whole deal. And that’s after Meek endorsed Hillary and the former president went and campaigned for him.
Will Meek’s support now collapse sufficiently to put Rubio’s win in doubt? With all the early voting in Florida, I kind of doubt it. This seems gratuitous.
Democracy would appear to be a failed experiment in the case of Florida.
Maybe, Meek has done his own calculation and decided not to drop out because of Alex Sink? Meek helps GOTV for African Americans which would help Sink in the governors’ race.
Meek dropping out won’t help Crist. There are some very strong anti-Crist Democrats in FL. People just assume Meek’s supporters would all move to Crist if he were to drop out. Wrong assumption.
So they’ll be happy with Rubio for the next six years?
I’m sorry, but I hate this line that people throw out “
“So they’ll be happy with Rubio for the next six years? “
it’s just used to scapegoat these voters and not put the onus where it squarely belongs, on the Dem establishment.
The Dems have been on the Crist bandwagon from the beginning, and that’s fine, but Crist WAS NOT willing at the time to play the game, i.e. at the very least say that he was willing to caucus with the Dems, maybe because he thought he could still get some GOP votes. So Meeks stayed in and actually won his legitimate primary, mistakenly thinking that as the legitimate Dem primary winner that his party would stay with him. But nope, the establishment still decided to keep trying to chisel away from at Crist, to no real avail.
So Meeks voters stayed loyal to him, and now because the Dem plan did not work, and Crist now needs the same loyal voters to Meeks, and those voters are rightly having a hard time with there decison, all of a sudden those voter “…will be happy with Rubio for the next six years?”
I’m sorry, but that is scapegoating at it’s finest. What is sad about this whole fiasco is that I actual suspect that many of Meeks voted may have actually gotten into the booth and instead voted for Crist, but this may surely turn their vote into a “protest” vote.
that’s true about the governor’s race. very true.
I keep saying that the Clintons are trying to stage a political comeback. Bill Clinton wanted to be a major player in the Democratic party.
This latest snafu makes me wish that Bill CLinton would find himself a hobby.
I swear, the ridiculousness of it all is mindblowing. The Democrats would throw their resources to an ex-Repub rather than a black Democrat who has been a faithful retainer to the Clintons and to Democrats?
Whatever happened to Dem loyalty and solidarity? They threw this brother to the wolves, pragmatism be damned.
Instead, they are sucking up to the enemy still! This is the modus operandi of the DLC still trying out-Reagan Republicans. This is why Obama kept backing up to those guys; he likes this kind of politricking? He liked the way Clinton governed? This is a no-win situation. There is no guarantee that Crist would be caucusing with Dems. On the contrary, he’d be reporting back to the Thugs who kicked his ass.
TBH maybe he should have been thrown under the bus. He’s the son of the congresswoman who preceded him in the district. It’s not like he’s a black hole of fail like W, but in this kind of climate what did he ever expect to do but throw the race to that traitor Rubio?
Why is it a good idea to throw a Democrat under the bus a week before the election?
You never know, but I’ll give you that. It should have been done a lot earlier.
And throw him under for Crist? He’s not quite as whackjob as Rubio, but he’s a lying sack of shit, and pals around with some very, very unscrupulous characters down south of the everglades. Jeebus, Bill.
This just sucks, this whole situation down here. If Rick Scott wins, we can thank #42.
If loonies and the dirtbags take over the Congress you can thank – #44.
Timidity, lack of leadership and half-stepping are sinking the ship.
Reports are saying that Democrats have held back in early voting in order to get clarity on what to do.
Downticket considerations are a big issue that is often overlooked.
If Crist wants to win, he could pledge to caucus with the Democrats; I don’t know how much of his base he loses with a move like that however. That pledge would allow Meek to support him. Without it, Meek is unlikely to drop out.
I can tell you how this will be viewed by AA, cause it’s already being discussed.
Bill Clinton was perfectly happy during the campaign when Kendrick Meeks refrained from endorsing Barack Obama during the ’08 primaries out of deference to the Clintons and the history that Bill C had with Meeks and his mother I believe.
What this shows, is that there is no loyalty when it comes to the Clintons. When Bill C was at his lowest during his Presidency, what community embraced him with the most support, AA.
I think the Clintons can pretty much forget about having the deep support of the AA, and the AA in Florida won’t forget it.
Also, this seems to be complete overkill on Clinton’s part.
What part of this story is not meant to embarrass Kendrick Meek?
I’m beggining to think this whole 2 weeks of leaks from Bill C’s “closest friends and confidante” is an concerted effort by Bill C to make certain that “they” are not to blame for the not quite certain “devastation” that will occur on Tuesday.
It’s a perfect bookend to compliment the stories that Politico and the rest of the MSM has been putting out for the past at lest 2 weeks calling Bill Clinton the man that “saves the day” for Dems. Clinton and his camp don’t wanna be tarred with the feathers that the “Obama camp” might be on Tuesday.
And I’m sorry, I understand that Meeks chances were sliding, but there was NO need for on the record embarrassment like this. It seems the whole purpose of this article at a time like this was to shame Meeks.
This may free up the Dems in FL to vote for Rubio, but the Dems betta hope that enough AA have early voted cause a story like this is dry up the AA support, mark my worlds.
TPM says that Meek has a news conference at 9 PM.
It’s 9:30 PM
Is Charlie Crist appearing on any media tonight?
From what I’ve read so far, Charlie Crist was on Olbermann, and Olbermann asked Crist on Meeks behalf, “How did you know there were talks for Meek to drop out?”
and Crist said people in the Clintion camp called and told him.
I’m sorry, and I know people are gonna have something to say, but this is NOT gonna go well in the AA community.
I’ll be listening into my fav shows tomorrow, but I’m telling ya this may get ugly.
I think Crist is the evil genius. Vote for me even Clinton says I’m the only option to Rubio. One phone call (or not) and everyone gets out the knives to stab Bill Clinton. Yet Meek says Clinton did not approach him. So lets believe Crist eh. Not the life long Democrat Bill Clinton.
Lets sink our number two campaigner (President Obama #1)with a backroom sleaze story. Show me the money because there are forces at work here that make Clinton look like Gandhi. Wake up.
Those forces are called POLITICO. And its backers.
By the time anyone knows the real truth the election will be over and the smear wins again. Clinton is out there for Sestak today. Meanwhile we are killing each other again.
Killing each other? Maybe on the blogs, but certainly not in the GOTV effort. There are folks out there calling and visiting as if the fate of the nation depends on it — because it does. It’s who votes for whom, not who thinks that Clinton made a stupid move that will count.
AA across the nation might want to sit home if they feel insulted by the Dem party. We have been disrespected by Crist and our own left for listening to him and condemning Clinton. Wake up. Meek on MSNBC its all Crist’s bulls__t.
I realized as soon as Crist appeared and Meek denied it that it was Crist’s bullshit attempt to force Meek out of the race. And it didn’t make sense after I thought about the downticket races.
So today Crist says he is going to caucus with Democrats. Yep, right. Another Joe Lieberman.
But my point still stands. If Meek is still in, getting out the vote for Meek and the downticket candidates will help more than sitting out.
Yep, African-Americans have been more constantly doing the political heavy lifting than progressives have.
Agreed another Lieberman for sure.
Clinton’s people are the sources for the story.
Named sources?
yes, read the diary again.
OK but it does not make sense. It will bring out the AA Democrat vote in Florida but suppress it everywhere else. something is amiss. Clinton the “political genius” or his top aide Doug Band just got played big time.
There is more stink here then one dead rat.
Meek says that he is still in. If nothing else, this will motivate more African-American turnout (if they needed more motivation). That Clinton fellow really knows how to turn out the votes.
Clinton is a political genius for the history books, no question, but this mess is reminiscent of ’08 campaign blundering.
There was some snark in my comment. I don’t think that Clinton is genius enough to turn out the African-American vote by making them angry at him for trying to throw Meek under the bus.
Yes, as tone-deaf as his race-baiting in the South Carolina primary.
Agreed, there is now reports of Bill Clinton dening to CNN that he asked Meeks to drop out.
This has backfired big time, and the repercussions are such, that African Americans will either a) come out and vote, but vote Meeks in larger numbers thereby denying Crist victory, but maybe ensuring a straight Dem victory. b) be so pissed that they come out to vote, but ONLY to cast a vote for Kendrick Meeks (this has happened before, Afr Am came out to the ballot box, but only voted for Obama for President, not for down-ticket races, or c)Afr Am will not come out in large numbers, because what’s the point according to CW Meeks & Dems are so behind, they ain’t got no chance either way, plus I’m pissed ’cause Dem never really gave support to Meeks, and tried to “force Meeks out”, so what’s the points in braving through crowds of teabagging white people anyway.
Before this, I was leaning towards A, but now I’m not so sure.
this was really a dumb move by the supposedly politically saavy Clinton “war room”
Charlie Crist asked Clinton camp to suggest Meek drop out, source says
Meek is going to lose. 100% certain.
Meek withdrawing might allow Crist to beat Rubio.
Rubio is a certified sack of shit.
So, reasoning as above, Clinton asked Meek if he would preserve his future prospects by withdrawing. Meek is toast for all future offices at this point.
I’m confused – what is the problem here?
The problem is the effect on turnout, which affects all downticket races.
He’s gonna lose. Do a Fisher. Drop out, Kendrick.
Throw his support to Crist.
Too late. After last night, if Meek drops out, it depresses the African-American vote. In one sense, he is doing a Fisher.
Crist is not guaranteed to be reliable; he could turn out to be another Lieberman. (Crist has said that he will caucus with Democrats, again too little too late.)
If you live in Florida, go vote but don’t hold out hope for the Senate unless there is a huge swell of unlikely voters. Or turnout like 2008.
This is gonna be my last comment of the night on FL Senator. Charlie Crist is playing Dems, Meeks, Clinton and FL voters for fools. And Marc Rubio is gonna laugh his way to the Senatorial bank and Charlie Crist is not gonna give a damn. Don’t forget, Crist won’t care if Rubio wins, hell, he was a part of the Repub party anyway, ’til the primaries didn’t go his way. This is all about him, and he played Bill Clinton, he played Meeks, and he play FL Dems.
The Sunshine State Silly Season
Unfortunately, I agree.