It really disturbs me that one of the Republicans’ core election strategies is to cheat. What we’re seeing locally here in the Philly suburbs is exceptionally blatant. Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA) represents part of Philadelphia and Montgomery County, but most of his district is in Bucks County. The Bucks County Board of Elections is dominated by Republicans. And they’re cheating.
Congressman Patrick Murphy blasted Bucks County Republicans for using “Florida-style” tactics to deny voters the right to participate in Tuesday’s election, which includes the hotly contested race between Murphy and his Republican challenger Mike Fitzpatrick.
Murphy’s statement in a brief news conference Wednesday afternoon came shortly before Democratic Party lawyers filed a response to Republican claims that Murphy’s campaign is behind an effort to mislead voters into applying for unneeded absentee ballots and flood the voter registration office with fraudulent applications.
In documents filed with the Bucks County Board of Elections, the state Democratic committee said the Republican Party machine that controls county government is working to disenfranchise voters.
“What makes their current scheme so egregious is that the Republicans are trying to prevent people, many of whom are ill or bedridden and incapable of going to the polls on Election Day, from legally casting absentee ballots,” wrote Philadelphia attorney Keith Smith, of Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, in the response for state Democrats.
The response asked the board of elections to dismiss the Republican complaint in its entirety.
A letter to the board of elections penned for the state committee by Doylestown attorney Jordan Yeager noted that among more than 600 absentee ballot applications rejected by board of elections staff for defects including signatures and birthdates that don’t match voter registration records, 82 percent were from Democratic voters.
This is even more appalling when you consider that Murphy’s opponent sent out mailer that openly asked people to commit forgery and voter fraud. Pennsylvania doesn’t have early voting. We have a system for absentee voting. If you look at the form it requires you to sign under oath that you either will be absent from your municipality on election day or that you have some physical condition that doesn’t allow you to make it to the polling place. But inside Fitzpatrick’s envelope was a letter from Robert Ciervo, the candidate for state Representative from the 31st District. Ciervo said that an absentee ballot application was included in the package and that people should fill them out for their children and include their college address to “ensure they receive the ballot in a timely manner.” To do that, a parent would have to forge their child’s name. The letter is nothing short of an implicit invitation to commit forgery and voter fraud. And the Republicans are doing this at the same time that they are falsely accusing the Democrats of fraud and rejecting their valid absentee applications.
“It’s sickening that the Republican-controlled board of elections would abuse its power to deny hundreds of Democrats their right to vote. But because their candidate is down in the polls, Republican Party operatives are using Florida-style Bush tactics to stop registered, eligible voters from voting,” Murphy said Wednesday.
“Six Democratic applications have been rejected for every Republican application. Well, they’re messing with the wrong paratrooper, and they’re not going to get away with it,” he added, in reference to his Army service in Iraq.
I don’t know if Fitzpatrick is down in the polls. But the way the Republicans are behaving, that might not matter.
Isn’t this further proof that polls aren’t as bad for us as the TradMed would have you believe? If Fitzpatrick was really running away with it, why bother with this? You do this for close races, not blow outs.
Who said it was going to be a blow out?
Time had Murphy down 51-46 earlier this month. not a blowout, but not a win either.
my question is what murphy intends to do when he says they aren’t going to get away with it.
This is just the beginning. You betcha!
There are so many reasons why the GOP Rent-A-Mob (2000 model) had to stretch to national proportions in the ‘grass-roots’ Tea Party this year. Filling out their role in this year’s corporate reality-adjustment (see: media narrative, GOP ‘wave’), their overwhelming numbers also make the results of vote-tampering more plausible.
Hell, though. If you can just go ahead & rig the vote, why bother with the ventriloquist routine?
Would the disparities between GOP & Dem support before this massive experiment in social engineering really be that big?
We got Bush for two terms from similar acts of deception and we just can’t allow that to happen again, at any level. Still, it is possible to ask: are we being screwed again?
Murph is appealing/going to court over the county’s decision.
As an aside, the repukes have apparently made up some of the bad dem absentee ballots and are pointing at those and screaming fraud. How Rovian is that?
The 2006 election was settled by 1500 vote difference which mostly came from NE philly in Murphys favor. The rest of Bucks was about 1000 ahead for Fitzpatrick. We made a priority of getting Dem voters to use absentee ballots if needed and actually in total there are more than 1500 absentee ballots for us. The rethugs are willing to burn their own absentees to prevent ours.
Hey Booman,
I can’t open the “mailer” link. It points to gmail and I don’t use that. Is there another way to post Fitz’s BS?
Try it again.
Hate to be a pest but the link still wants a google log in to get to it.
well, if you can’t read Google Docs, you’re out of luck, because the only other source I have for it is on my hard drive. It was sent as an attachment in an email.
Ok, got past the google login and now they are saying unable to retreive document. @#$%@#$%
Can you email it to me?
Told you bro. Absolutely no way she was going to pass, I flat out told you so.
the link to the mailer isn’t working for me either, but my org ( has noted numerous instances of shenanigans from political parties. we’ve been documenting them here:
sadly, all of the instances involve cases of the RNC sending out faulty absentee ballot materials to voters. we’ve documented instances in four states, but it seems that we might have to add PA to our list.
please contact us if that is the case. (contact/at/longdistancevoter/dot/org)