Oh, good, only 111 Republican incumbents and candidates want to eliminate the Department of Education. That’s not too bad. I mean it’s good enough to create a significant Numbskullery Caucus, but nowhere near enough to actually eliminate the department.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Compare the budget of the Department of Education to the Department of Defense.
Show them the numbers.
Then ask if they’d be willing to cut the total cost of the Department of Education from the Defense Budget.
In the interest of fiscal responsibility, of course?
Then watch them storm off calling you a communist.
Go here to see the Dept. of Education Budget for 2010. (For those of you who don;t want to bother with details its about $45 Billion total).
Now compare that to the cost of the cost of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for 2010:
Afghanistan: $105 Billion
Iraq: $66 Billion
Total Cost of Both Wars for 2010: $171 Billion give or take.
So the budget for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone for 2010 are at least 3.8 times larger than the 2010 budget for the Department of Education.
Need I say more?
I think it’s more about Jesus than the Pentagon. They don’t teach Jesus in public schools and that undermines their control over their child’s belief system.
Jesus taught: Love your enemy. I don’t think they give a rat’s ass about Jesus to be frank.
If the dept of education is killt does that mean that the All kids Thrown Under the Bus Act get killt too?
Jeez, that says a lot!!
and I bet these are only official figures, they don’t disclose the real figures to public for sure.
“Total Cost of Both Wars for 2010: $171 Billion give or take.
So the budget for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone for 2010 are at least 3.8 times larger than the 2010 budget for the Department of Education.
Need I say more? “