Poor guy, he got caught up in young angst instead…I think we’re due for little Finny to go visit Grammy for an afternoon this weekend so we can go on a walk and out for a drink or something.
Lots of good information in that. I wish I believed that it would make a dent in the minds of any Tea Partier but I think actual facts are the very last thing that would make a difference to them.
I’ve had several online conversations with Teapublicans, and they’ve felt like I was talking to a robot or a 6th grader. I especially liked the way a question was answered by changing the subject.
For those who are interested in what’s been going on with our brothers and sisters in Europe, LEP has an amazing series of photo diaries from the recent demonstrations in France. Here’s the most recent.
Two of the boys and I are in DC for the Stewart/Colbert rally. God, how nice it is to be surrounded by liberals. Had a crazy introduction to the Metro rail system last night as someone got hit by a train and everyone was forced to exit the system two stops short of where we were going to transfer to another train. Confusion ruled the day, followed closely by motion sickness…
Neato on being at the rally SN! I hope they get a good turnout and that the weather is good etc. Looking forward to hearing your reports … enjoy (and boo to motion sickness).
Yeah, I’m heading out to the HQ in about an hour. The final push is on and we’ve been getting GOTV volunteers in record numbers. Last info I got was that Dem early vote was outstripping R by 10%! No time to let up now.
And would we have published an assessment of the body hair of a male politician? Well, ask Scott Brown. Does anyone really think that if we obtained an anonymous account of, say, a night with Joe Miller, and the account revealed that he was a manscaper with a crotch like a dolphin’s belly, we would edit that out of the story out of respect for his privacy?
Too bad (sarcasm alert) that I voted before I saw Ellsworth’s anti-Coates ad that accused Coats of supporting the stimulus bill and abortion so I didn’t realize that Ellsworth wanted liberals to vote for Coats.
Our experience with the new voting machine was smooth as warm milk. Nothing at all ritualistic about it; it seemed about as momentous as making a deposit at an ATM. So unlike entering the old voting booth, closing the magic curtain to create a completely private space & then & communing with an imposing, clearly mechanical device, big as some NYC bathrooms,hearing your votes being cast within the device, as well as hearing all the votes cast at once before the magic curtain opens again & you rejoin your neighbors.
Today my vote was quick, quiet & ethereal. It barely happened.
Maybe it hasn’t — who would know?
Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday!
How is everyone this fine morning? I’m looking forward to a morning in the office, and then working from home the rest of the week. Woo-hoo!
Good morning cg! Sounds liek a great plan. Wish I could work from home.
It does look like a beautiful day here. I’ll walk later on.
I’m home!
It is absolutely gorgeous out this afternoon. Perfect for a walk after work, I think. 🙂
Take Booman with you, CG. I think he could use a break.
Lovely, lovely day here in the mountains. A bit breezy, tho.
Poor guy, he got caught up in young angst instead…I think we’re due for little Finny to go visit Grammy for an afternoon this weekend so we can go on a walk and out for a drink or something.
That sounds like a good idea.
I agree with WW. It’s a fine plan. I expect Grammy will think so too.
Good morning, everyone!
It’s definitely fall in Geneva. Low 30s in the mornings.
Here’s a video that needs passing around:
Lots of good information in that. I wish I believed that it would make a dent in the minds of any Tea Partier but I think actual facts are the very last thing that would make a difference to them.
I’ve had several online conversations with Teapublicans, and they’ve felt like I was talking to a robot or a 6th grader. I especially liked the way a question was answered by changing the subject.
Not only that, they’re always scowling in photos.
The bad guys always scowl in photos. That’s how you know they’re the bad guys.
And here all this time I thought it was the black hats!
No, the black hats show that they’re stylish. Probably French. Any confusion is quite understandable.
Thanks ask, I’ll be passing that around here and over at the university.
It’s cold here! Brrrrr. But at least it’s not raining.
It’s gonna stay this way for the whole week, apparently.
For those who are interested in what’s been going on with our brothers and sisters in Europe, LEP has an amazing series of photo diaries from the recent demonstrations in France. Here’s the most recent.
Thanks for that link.
LEP does such a great job of capturing the crowds and so colorful!
Two of the boys and I are in DC for the Stewart/Colbert rally. God, how nice it is to be surrounded by liberals. Had a crazy introduction to the Metro rail system last night as someone got hit by a train and everyone was forced to exit the system two stops short of where we were going to transfer to another train. Confusion ruled the day, followed closely by motion sickness…
Neato on being at the rally SN! I hope they get a good turnout and that the weather is good etc. Looking forward to hearing your reports … enjoy (and boo to motion sickness).
We’ve been reading the twitter feeds for the rally – I hope you get some pictures of the awesome signs people have.
Hope you and the guys have a great day!
Have a great time! Some friends from here are attending as well. They were really excited about the rally.
Hit by a train? I’m guessing they’re dead. What a shame.
Looking forward to further reports ..
Too much alleged dkos fail on the diaries list. Isn’t there actually an election coming?
Yeah, I’m heading out to the HQ in about an hour. The final push is on and we’ve been getting GOTV volunteers in record numbers. Last info I got was that Dem early vote was outstripping R by 10%! No time to let up now.
Maybe someone can post a Restore Sanity photo diary or something? 🙂
There’s an idea for a Foto Flog: What Keeps Me Sane.
Filed the idea away … though maybe it should be What Keeps Me Sane or Would If Only I Were Sane.
As for me, If only I were sane I might go outside the house with my camera some time.
I didn’t like the Gawker piece but they defended themselves pretty well.
Yes, I guess they wouldn’t.
Here`s my little grandson Finn as a frog.

He’s cuuuute. And he looks a lot like our Finny.
I think one of the main differences is simply one of age, yours mine & the respective Finns.
Adorable — why he’s almost as cute as a blenny. 🙂
What a great photograph! He’s a very handsome boy.
He’s adorable!
(CG here, my laptop is in the shop and I’m too lazy to log out and back in…)

Beautiful shots! Everyone looks great.
Finn’s costume is definitely a treat.
… especially Tuesday.
click for larger
Beautiful light. Yep, let’s spread some tomorrow.
Miss Olivia!
Considering where the US is headed tomorrow, I wonder if I might fill out an application to be your other cat.
LOL. 🙂
We’ve got problems up here too when it comes to the fed gov, so not sure it’s any better.
It’s worth making a truly silly suggestion just to see you lol.
Wow! Lovely.
As for tomorrow, who was it who said: better to light one candle than curse the darkness?
Hey why make a choice — I’ll do both.
… I voted back in early October.
Too bad (sarcasm alert) that I voted before I saw Ellsworth’s anti-Coates ad that accused Coats of supporting the stimulus bill and abortion so I didn’t realize that Ellsworth wanted liberals to vote for Coats.
I’ll go and vote shortly. This will be NY’s first regular election with electronic machines. Hopefully things will go smoothly.
I don’t see why NY should be exceptional ..
Americans aren’t exceptional but New Yorkers certainly are. 😉
Our experience with the new voting machine was smooth as warm milk. Nothing at all ritualistic about it; it seemed about as momentous as making a deposit at an ATM. So unlike entering the old voting booth, closing the magic curtain to create a completely private space & then & communing with an imposing, clearly mechanical device, big as some NYC bathrooms,hearing your votes being cast within the device, as well as hearing all the votes cast at once before the magic curtain opens again & you rejoin your neighbors.
Today my vote was quick, quiet & ethereal. It barely happened.
Maybe it hasn’t — who would know?
Hope yours went well.
For me it was like faxing a document. The rockiest part was filling in the little circles with those big fat markers.
Ours are the same. I like them because they are verifiable if the machine breaks down or a recount is called.