It looks like crazy Joe Miller up in Alaska isn’t going to be able to seal the deal. His polling numbers have collapsed in the face of evidence that he’s basically a scoundrel.
“If the election for U.S. Senate were held today, and the candidates were Joe Miller, Scott McAdams, Frederick Haase, Tim Carter, Ted Gianoutsos, or another candidate you have to write in, for whom would you vote, or are you undecided?
The result? Scott McAdams surging ahead of Joe Miller with 29%, Joe Miller with 23%, and the write-in candidate (most of which are presumably Lisa Murkowski) with a small gain bringing her to 34%, and undecided voters still at 13%. This is the first time that McAdams has polled better than Miller, and he did it by six points, comfortably outside the margin of error of 4.8% – a watershed moment for the McAdams campaign.
Considering that Murkowski isn’t the only potential write-in candidate, and the inherent hassle and difficulty of correctly voting for a write-in candidate, and considering the margin of error, this race is now a toss-up between Murkowski and the Democrat, Scott McAdams. It would be a very fine thing indeed to pick up this seat for a full six-year term. It would offset the loss of Evan Bayh’s seat, or Lincoln’s, or Dorgan’s. It’s very painful to lose Senate seats because of their long terms, and that is why I believe they should always be challenged vigorously. You never know when a seemingly safe seat will become vulnerable, either through scandal, death or illness, or a simple shift in the mood of the electorate.
WOW!!! Super news. Miller is a turd, but no better or worse than Angle, O’Donnell, or Buck.
But this is very good news indeed.
So the Dems might pick up a seat? With Palin’s help in her own state? The Republican Party must just love that.
This seat, we probably won’t pick up, and it wouldn’t deliver any key votes anyway because Melancon is almost as conservative as Vitter, but still….
And you know what’s great about that ad? Whether it’s really true or not, there is nothing Vitter can say. So he basically has to shut up and take it and hope he’s able to run out the clock, so to speak.
What’s annoying is that Roy Blunt is JUST as bad. He is divorced. Prior to his divorce, it is common knowledge that he was fucking his current wife, getting campaign contributions from her (she is/was an Altria lobbyist), and was writing riders to help Altria into the Defense Bill.
I’ve told the Carnahan campaign that they should be doing something to blacken his name, but nothing.
Another total turd, Steve Latourette, OH-15, pulled the same scummy trick. Fucking a lobbyist, dumped his wife and 4 kids in Ohio, and is now living the life of Riley with a better lubricated model in Washington. He’s another family values lobbyist fucker.
Its just one seat but the impact this loss could have on the post-election narrative on Palin would be devastating. She would have single handedly lost 2 safe seats in DE and Alaska and would be a signal that she’s not that powerful outside of republican primaries.
True. It would also be interesting to have two Democratic senators from Alaska for at least the next four years. That would be a testimony to Palin’s lack of juice.
Miller’s an assclown.
apologies to assclowns.
Miller seems emblamatic of the TeaPartiers. He broke the law (‘but it was for a good reason’); lied about it(’cause it was just a little office dustup’); lied again when he was caught and certainly has responded that he would have continued his coverup lies had the system not finally caught up with him.
Today the Dems are rolling out the hard hitting ads. They’re good and they’re tough, but unfortunately the electorate is fed up to its teeth with hard hitting ads right now and assumes all ads are now false.