Why do terrorists always mess around at election time? First they mailed explosive devices all over the place (probably as a diversionary tactic) and now NORAD has escorted a U.A.E. passenger plane into JFK airport in New York.
NORAD is escorting a passenger flight from the United Arab Emirates to New York’s JFK airport “out of an abundance of caution,” a NORAD spokesman said.
Two Canadian CF-18s began to track a civilian aircraft that was “determined to be an aircraft of interest” as it flew over Canadian airspace, spokesman John Cornelio said.
Two US F-15s then picked up the escort to JFK, which is ongoing.
I’d rather be talking about Sharron Angle, Rand Paul, and Ken Buck.
Still, stopping acts of terrorism is preferable to standing on rubble with a bullhorn.
I was waiting to see if Michael Ledeen was involved. Sigh. Too many hours on the Niger papers.
It’s the easiest way to push us into being the state they portray us as being.
If we vote for the Teapublicans the terrorists win.
Terrorism has to do with keeping people constantly afraid to the point that they do self-destructive things. There is nothing cheaper to ensure Republican rule in the US (the very definition of self-destructive) like even a fake bomb right before an election. The fact that so far the US has intercepted these threats is immaterial; they remind folks to be afraid.
The Colbert/Stewart rally might turn out to be a well-timed defense against terrorism.
The plane landed okay at JFK.
Meek on Olberman setting record straight. Bunch of crap by Crist the sleaze.
I’m disappointed the smart and dedicated people on this blog swallowed it hook line and sinker. No wonder we are taking a beating in the polls.
Bunch of crap verified by Clinton’s chief of staff.
Then he was tricked into thinking Meek was a party to it before Clinton spoke to him. It makes no sense. He was played. Crist Rubio and the right are laughing.
Give me a break. Let me know if Clinton fires him then. He didn’t make any mistake.
You might fire your top aide for being a stooge. I know nothing about him. I do know Clinton has a lot on his plate and truly cares about the Democrats or he would be making You Tube videos and watching his old baseball team lose. He probably thought he was being politically savvy (Doug Band). Sometimes even the best politicians get taken by unscrupulous lying Repugs or an aide who they trust and gets taken.
well .. according to reports .. ABC hired a domestic terrorist to be on election night coverage
He urged us to vote for the Republican running in our congressional district.
The smart play for Obama would be to take advantage of this situation by doing a TV blast with him praising the vigilant men and women of our nation’s airport security apparatus who dealt with this matter effectively and courageously.
As well as mentioning the vigilance of Canada, aka your ‘porous northern border.’
Hell lets do a full Bush and invade Yemen. That will turn the midterms around!