Is anyone else suddenly pining for Cialis commercials? No, I’m not having a problem down there. I’m sick of wall-to-wall commercials for and against politicians that tell me nothing substantive.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
You watch too much television.
No. I only watch sports and TDS/TCR and there are tons of them during the sports events. Why? Because people tend to watch those live, whereas they can Tivo the other stuff.
I’m glad to have (finally) seen some commercials attacking our own local wingnut, Greg Ball.
more than four hours.
Here’s something substantive, or better said someone substantial.
I love this. Just posted it to by FB account, and I’ve been posting it wherever I can
Go throw a football through a tire swing. That ought to help you relax.
And in additional freaking out, Meteor Blades on dKos has this quote from a NYT article:
It’s is going to be a continuous media campaign on policy between elections and a continuous campaign against Democratic candidates during the campaign cycle.
It is not going to end on Wednesday. It is a “spook scared Democrats” strategy to get their agenda passed.
It was the sound of my head banging against the log walls here…ouch. Can’t. take. much. more. campaign. crap.
Turn off the telly.
That’s right. The Wurlitzer can’t drive you mad without your concent.
Officials with the two conservative groups, American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS — which are on track to spend well over $50 million combined this year, a sizable part of it from undisclosed donors — said they would continue advertising against Democrats [..]
Why not just let GOP legislators keep doing it for less? Idle hands etc.
Why did I think Crossroads would just fade away? Damn I didn’t think about that. Another eternal Fox news corporate hate machine.
Commercials in general are why I can’t watch TV anymore.
BTW: Even when Bush has left, his former team loses.
Giants 3-1 tonight and 4-1 in the Series.
Guess the Rangers manager won’t be talking about boots and frilly dresses again.
I love it! NL West baseball!
All we get out in Cali are sneak previews for “Due Date” and political commercials. There is one where Meg Whitman says the exact same stump lines as Schwarzeneggar. It’s effective, hilarious and should remind voters that they are voting for the same okeydoke of Arnold if they vote for Meg.
I think that Dems will hold their own here today, but would do better if there was a better turnout.