CNN and MSNBC waited zero seconds to call Kentucky for Rand Paul and Indiana for Dan Coats. Imagine it in your mind: Senator Rand Paul. Aqua Buddha!!
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’ll never understand people…ever.
It’s as if there are independent-minded people, and totally programmable people on the planet. Is the guy running against Paul such a dolt? I only know how bad Paul is. But what happened to his opponent?
No, actually. Jack Conway is probably the best Democratic candidate we could ever field in Kentucky. In 2008 he would have beaten Mitch McConnell.
Same thing in Indiana, actually. In any other year, in any other time, we would have won Indiana.
Then what happened? Is Fox News that powerful?
Bad year to be a Democrat. Nothing more, nothing less.
Also, I think that Aqua Buddha ad hurt Conway, badly.
Fox News? Fox reaches 5 million people on a good night. They are king of cable, nothing else.
No, it’s not Fox, it’s the mainstream. Remember in 2003 most of the people thought that Iraq was responsible for 9/11, despite all the fact to the contrary. Well, in 2010 2/3rds of America thinks their taxes have gone up under Obama, and that Federal Government spending has skyrocketed. In actuality taxes are down and spending increases are under 3% annually — mostly due to “defense” — less than under all 8 years of GWB.
How many people know what HCR actually does? How many people have any idea about the positive things Obama has done?
Yes you can blame Obama and Axelrod and Emmanuel for poor messaging — and they are certainly to blame for that. But when people believe the opposite of the truth you have to blame the news media for being complicit in the Right Wing propaganda blitz.
No, many of the people voting for moronic Republicans are doing so because they believe that the tax increases have to stop. Yeah, that’s really why.
In Indiana, Evan Bayh is a dick(sorry.. but it’s the truth). He’s sitting on $10.3 million in cash and didn’t donate any to help Democrats.
If not for South Carolina and Mississippi (and Arizona?) Kentucky would be the dumbest state in the Union. Outside of Louisville and parts of Lexington and Frankfort this state is stem to stern (inbred?) hillbillies.
What happened?
Kentucky happened.
in the sand.
Republicans are winning because Barack Obama lost control of the agenda and pissed away the greatest opportunity we’ve had in fifty years. His lack of leadership and his dithering have done the impossible – raised the Republican party from the dead.
In less than two years.
FDR lost 71 seats in 1938. Was that due to his awful leadership? Btw, almost all of those seats were pro-New Deal Democrats.
All we need now to turn things around is another world war.
Yeah, it was pretty much due to his awful leadership. In 1937 FDR listened to the deficit hawks in his own party and slashed gov’t spending, sending the economy into a tailspin and causing the fallout in the 1938 elections. Fortunately he had a much bigger buffer in the House because in 1933-36 he acted with courage and intelligence.
Unlike some recent presidents I could name.
Why did the Republicans do so well?
They’ll let us their guns.
They’ll make sure every knee bends at Jesus’ name — even though he’s a ‘libertarian’.
They’ll make sure foreigners live in fear of us.
From time to time he’ll try to have some of them blown up, for our delectation
They’ll make sure that that colored people, Mexicans, and those gays, know their place.
They’ll make sure that while you may lose your job, you’ll always have your pick of scapegoats from an extensive menu.
And above all…
They’ll piss liberals off.
That’s America.
You could run and win in 1846 on that platform, or in 2010. You can run on it in 2050, and win on it.
This is what America has been pretty much since its inception. This is what We The People want, have wanted, and will still want, when everyone on this board has died of old age.
2006 was an aberration, and 2008 was a miracle.
The Republican Party never was dead after 2008 as much as some folks pretended it to be.
It wasn’t Obama who pissed away the agenda, it was President Lieberman, President Nelson, President Blanche, President Landrieu, President Baucus, and a whole bunch of Blue Dogs in the House. The Republicans just had the good sense to vote as a unanimous bloc on just about everything.
Not once. He never asked for more than what he could get passed by the morons you name.
That’s not leadership.
He never fought them publicly.
I sit here watching (with great enjoyment, actually) The Dem party getting its comeuppance for years of weak, white middle class, Nancy Pelosi/Harry Reid, white bourgeoisie, no-passion compromise.
FUCK y’all!!!
You’re getting exactly what you deserve.
No passion; no fight.
Maybe this’ll wake you up.
And maybe not.
Time will tell.
Hot beats cold every time.
Even when hot is stupid and cold is smart.
Wake the fuck up.
I see you post here quite often but you talk alot of gibberish – I never know what the hell you’re saying. Usually I just speed read through it because it’s all crazy talk. Like “hot beats cold every time”. ?? Except when it doesn’t.
Maybe you’re not fast enough for speed reading.
Try slowing down.
Think a little.
I know it’s painful, but so is exercise after years of sloth.
lol. Never mind. Most others who post here are informative and interesting. You just bloviate.
I have been warning of this disaster for a year or more. Longer if you consider my fights on dKos.
Proof’s in the pudding, Pudd’nhead.
Bet on it.
The race for 2012 begins tomorrow but you can’t wait a fuckin day to start your white liberal lynching!
Ok, this is beyond ridiculous. Five Uranus Bux to the first person that can provide proof Paul won. State of Ken-tuck doesn’t seem to have the data.
Alan Grayson just conceded.
Was he not liberal enough?
That’s one that is really hard to take. The guy fought hard and long and the people in his District are really going to lose a good advocate for them.
Booman’ll be happy, though.
I hope he gets a talk show.
Maybe he’ll invite George Galloway to preach some truth to y’all cowards.
Thank you for the “4”, Gaianne.
If only we had a Galloway of our own.
Instead of a bunch of Bumsteads.
I believe he lost his seat, too..
Great Britain is even worse off than the US.
No Hispanics to keep things on an even keel.
So it goes.
He’s an arrogant little prick but isn’t his Dad in Congress too? So he might have to try to not embarrass him. I’m not saying he’s in any way good for us but he might not behave like a crazed Bachmann, Angle, Palin person.
Not a done deal by a long shot, but South Carolina just might elect a Democrat governor.
CA polls aren’t closed yet and MSNBC has called a Republican House win.
Anyone remember when NBC said it wouldn’t call races before all the polls were closed?
There oughta be a law.
As I figured, it’s neck and neck here in SoDak for Herseth-Sandlin and Noem. I have to hope that the reservation precincts go strong for Stephanie. Usually, Dems can count on this. We shall see. They saved Johnson from Thune and will hopefully do the same for Herseth-Sandlin.
The smoking ban has about 65% support (should be much more) and will win, FINALLY. The medical marijuana bill isn’t going to win.
Thune is running unopposed, so…
I didn’t even get 24 hours of enjoying the Giants being World Champions before this.