is looking mighty uphill today. I’ve never seen BooMan go to sleep before midnight on election night before.
What the hell is wrong with people in this country? We had a brief interlude of sanity in 2008…and now Pat Toomey, the Club for Growth candidate, is on my teevee making what appears to be an acceptance speech in a ace still deemed too close to call on MSNBC. (I have the mute button on.) Oops, now he is the prjected winner. How cool – I get Toomey and a Republican governor..blech.
Andi and ID, I’m sorry about your congresscritter.
Sorry about what’s happened to PA as well, CG. You’re always welcome here in upstate NY to help turn these violet valleys blue.
Still waiting here to see if American Crossroads wasted $600,000 against our progressive rep, Maurice Hinchey. He’s maintaining a nice lead with reporting at about 86%, but the AP won’t call it.
This is, at very least, a bright spot on a dim landscape: Hinchey has survived through political challenges in a traditionally red district, gerrymandering & this season, a lot of expensive crap thrown his way.
He’s a true blue progressive Dem who’s strongly based in the community, never wavering to the center, serving his constituents since 1993. In New York, I didn’t feel my vote was needed to keep Paladino away from the governorship, nor did I have my doubts about Schumer & Gillibrand. Hinchey is why I went to vote.
His win still hasn’t gotten much attention mediawise, though. As far as I know, the AP still hasn’t called it! Who knows why.
on November 10, 2010 at 7:49 pm
You know, yours truly have to tell you, yours truly really liked this site and dha insight from everyone who participates.
It was an ugly, ugly night (except for the wins by Blumenthal, Coons, and Reid) but I have to admit that I find it hard to care about the losses of Baron Hill (the Dem rep for my district) or the senate bid of Brad Ellsworth — they were running so far to the right you could barely tell them from their Republican rivals. :{
The bigger and badder news for Indiana is that Republicans now control the Indiana legislature. It’s terrifying to think what Daniels will do with that.
Baron was certainly a blue dog, but I think I was making a little headway with his agenda and the staff was young, idealistic & quite reachable. The new guy I won’t be able to get within a mile of:(
On the state level, now that the stupid tax caps have passed & the fox is in the henhouse, we can surely expect great clouds of rancid smoke reflected by the mirrors of the oligarchy that’s sure to follow. Union busting will be a priority, especially teachers.
Thanks! (They begged me.) Actually, my old coalition is still in place, so it shouldn’t be a great difficulty to just slide back into my old chair unnoticed:)
I awoke with the strains of “Idiot Wind” running through my head.
Once you get to a certain age, it’s not that much of a surprise that things don’t go your way.
This morning I’m thinking about how Ted Kennedy kept going and never gave up the fight. He knew how to bring the joy.
Of course, the pendulum swinging back ain’t such a good thing when the poor bastard strapped to the table in the pit is the Non-Obscenely-Wealthy US resident.
Just a brief public announcement: I’ve been all about this election this week. Didn’t get enough sleep last night & feel like crap.
I will now take a deep breath & return to my regularly scheduled program.
It’s a beautiful day.
But unless you are Ansel Adams or Galen Rowell, you don’t have to spend any more time than it takes to wipe you ass to take a photo. Plus you can always wipe your ass while you are in the woods. 😉
Take a look at how decimated the Democratic members of the Agriculture Committee were and you can have hope that some progressives might be in position to have some influence whenever we regain the majority.
We’ve been treated to wonderful late fall weather the last few days. Sunny and low/mid 60s this afternoon.
But certainly agree with the TGIF sentiment.
True, disgusting weather. Cloudy here on the hill, 32 F. Looks like snow, really.
The rain’s been good. The reservoirs here were low.
Can’t help thinking about the impacts on water supplies if the natural gas industry should take hold here. It’ll take millions of gallons from the water renewal cycle per well, per day & doesn’t put it back.
God forgive me, but I just had to click on the diary called ‘Classes of Bedding for Girls’. Mainly because I think of bedding as something you provide for bunnies & gerbils. In any case, here’s the my favorite part:
The common designs that are perfect for a girl’s bedroom include those bedding collections that have floral designs. A girl would not let pass any bedroom item that comes with a pink shade. Modern patterns for a girl’s bedding can be applied too. A girl can choose from pretty stripes to polka dot designs and from a futuristic geometric design to some animal safari patterns. Boys bedding can also be decorated just like the girls but they differ with the designs and styles.
I think the spam diary thing will be fixed this weekend…
Finny is so mobile, it’s hard to get used to him just hopping away. He just crawled over to his doorway bouncer for his morning jump. I’m glad I got such a happy camper.
I have yoga this morning, but its really hard to tear myself away from the boy. I worked from home yesterday, but was busy the entire day, so I still feel the need to chill with the dude. Plus, I need to run over to the computer store and back up my hard drive before they send it out for repair. I’ve been mac-less all week, and feeling like I’m in withdrawal.
Sure hope you find time to chill out with Finn! My mom still regrets the time she did not devote to me when I was wee, due to her work. Don’t let that happen!
I blew off yoga and took he and CBtY out shopping for new clothes and to lunch instead. A lovely time was had by all, and CBtY is now off to the ice rink in search of his first job.
I would (almost) always rather send time with the guys than at work…teenage crap notwithstanding. 🙂
My housemate actually did ride ponies as a child (El Paso in the 1930s), though they were borrowed. She just hopped on & took off; no one at home thought to worry because the ponies knew the way.
Sounds like a great childhood to me.
Oh, gee. Me either. Had my first drink at age 9, quit at 37, am now 50. I humored my hosts & took part in a Thanksgiving champaigne toast last year. It tasted like perfume & rubberized my brain. Thank you, but no!
We were almost a matched pair (I loved outdoor stuff, including horses and bikes) but I spent massive hours reading (the local library was my second home), loved all kinds of music (my mom had a huge collection of 40s jazz 78s) and took oil painting lessons from age 8 to 16 (I wasn’t any good but I enjoyed it anyway).
I had plenty of ‘issues’ as a kid but being chubby wasn’t one of them (moreso in high school where I wore a 9) but that still wasn’t bad enough to really bother me). As far as body issues go, what I really hated was being short.
A close friend had ‘issues’ with being tall. He’d reached his full height (6’2″) by the time he was 14. He retained a bit of a stoop all his life, from trying to hide when younger.
On the other hand, you probably have beautiful posture.
I wanted a horse, not a pony — I told my mom we could keep in on the back porch, a proposal which was completely rejected. But I got my revenge by making her take me to and pick me up from riding stables for the next 10 years (after which I drove myself).
That was actually part of the plan when we moved to the country. We even built a barn. But then I spent 20 years at a job where I had to travel so getting a horse wasn’t really a good idea. Now we’re getting close to retirement but we want to travel for pleasure so getting a horse still doesn’t seem like a good idea.
Then Xnay on the horse.
That`s only my two scents worth, (if you know what I mean).
Here` the sunset from my deck tonight.
Go big or go home.
(click & go big)
Hello everyone.
I had out of town guests & showed them how I build composites.
They were thrilled.
After shooting the sunset, they asked, “So now what?”
I told them, “Now I enjoy it.”
Does this bode well for warmer weather coming our way?
Weather is monstrous here this morning — about 30, winds at about 30 mph, little white crystals whipping sideways, covering the driveway. Moaning & whistling sounds against the windows. All cats are indoors.
I was just reading a story in Earth Magazine (a geology magazine) about the observatory at Jungfrau. It sounds like an amazing place and the photos of the mountain and the observatory are spectacular.
is looking mighty uphill today. I’ve never seen BooMan go to sleep before midnight on election night before.
What the hell is wrong with people in this country? We had a brief interlude of sanity in 2008…and now Pat Toomey, the Club for Growth candidate, is on my teevee making what appears to be an acceptance speech in a ace still deemed too close to call on MSNBC. (I have the mute button on.) Oops, now he is the prjected winner. How cool – I get Toomey and a Republican governor..blech.
Andi and ID, I’m sorry about your congresscritter.
Sorry about what’s happened to PA as well, CG. You’re always welcome here in upstate NY to help turn these violet valleys blue.
Still waiting here to see if American Crossroads wasted $600,000 against our progressive rep, Maurice Hinchey. He’s maintaining a nice lead with reporting at about 86%, but the AP won’t call it.
Fie on them.
Yep, they wasted their frackin’ money.
This is, at very least, a bright spot on a dim landscape: Hinchey has survived through political challenges in a traditionally red district, gerrymandering & this season, a lot of expensive crap thrown his way.
He’s a true blue progressive Dem who’s strongly based in the community, never wavering to the center, serving his constituents since 1993. In New York, I didn’t feel my vote was needed to keep Paladino away from the governorship, nor did I have my doubts about Schumer & Gillibrand. Hinchey is why I went to vote.
His win still hasn’t gotten much attention mediawise, though. As far as I know, the AP still hasn’t called it! Who knows why.
You know, yours truly have to tell you, yours truly really liked this site and dha insight from everyone who participates.
It was an ugly, ugly night (except for the wins by Blumenthal, Coons, and Reid) but I have to admit that I find it hard to care about the losses of Baron Hill (the Dem rep for my district) or the senate bid of Brad Ellsworth — they were running so far to the right you could barely tell them from their Republican rivals. :{
The bigger and badder news for Indiana is that Republicans now control the Indiana legislature. It’s terrifying to think what Daniels will do with that.
Baron was certainly a blue dog, but I think I was making a little headway with his agenda and the staff was young, idealistic & quite reachable. The new guy I won’t be able to get within a mile of:(
On the state level, now that the stupid tax caps have passed & the fox is in the henhouse, we can surely expect great clouds of rancid smoke reflected by the mirrors of the oligarchy that’s sure to follow. Union busting will be a priority, especially teachers.
Congrats on your victory! Just couldn’t leave politics alone, could you? 🙂
And please pass on my congrats to your spouse for her victory as well — it’s a political dynasty!
Thanks! (They begged me.) Actually, my old coalition is still in place, so it shouldn’t be a great difficulty to just slide back into my old chair unnoticed:)
“Just couldn’t leave politics alone, could you?”
Maybe I need to attend some 12 step meetings…
Step 1. We admitted we were powerless over politics and that our lives had become unmanageable.
Step 2. We admitted that we love eating all the bad-for-you food at fairs and fish fries.
Don’t forget those lovely deep fried biscuits w/apple butter!
They serve those at political events, 4-H tents, and community fundraisers? Maybe I’ll rethink attending. 😉
Not at present, but since the proprietor of the biscuit producing restaurant is a major supporter, it could probably be arranged;-)
In Brown County, serving fried biscuits at a political gathering could constitute vote buying. Better check that with the prosecutor.
At least they would probably be a step up from the little whiskey bottles they handed out when I was a kid.
Thanks CG, my condolences to you & Booman as well. We won a few local races, which softens the bitterness just a little.
You know, my homie have to tell you, my homie really had great fun this site and the insight from everyone who participates.
I guess we’ve got a lot of humps to get over now.
click for larger
Nice colorful humps this morning!
The beauty remains, regardless of politics. Fantastic color! Wonderful humps.
I awoke with the strains of “Idiot Wind” running through my head.
Once you get to a certain age, it’s not that much of a surprise that things don’t go your way.
This morning I’m thinking about how Ted Kennedy kept going and never gave up the fight. He knew how to bring the joy.
Have a good day everybody!
Thanks for that, Alice. I guess we could all use some encouraging words this morning.
Yep. And the pendulum will swing back .
Of course, the pendulum swinging back ain’t such a good thing when the poor bastard strapped to the table in the pit is the Non-Obscenely-Wealthy US resident.
Check out this version. So awesome.
Just a brief public announcement: I’ve been all about this election this week. Didn’t get enough sleep last night & feel like crap.
I will now take a deep breath & return to my regularly scheduled program.
It’s a beautiful day.
You could go out and take some pics of all that beauty for the next Friday Foto Flogging (Nov. 12). The theme is “Random” so you can’t go wrong. 🙂
I do appreciate your encouragement, Andi. Alas, I barely have time these days to wipe my a**, let alone take pictures!
But unless you are Ansel Adams or Galen Rowell, you don’t have to spend any more time than it takes to wipe you ass to take a photo. Plus you can always wipe your ass while you are in the woods. 😉
But those are woods are rated G. 😉
Today they’re rated R — for rainy.
You mean I’m not Ansel Adams?
Wait a sec …
I’m just checking …
Nope, you’re you and he’s still dead. 😉
Also, he was famous & I’m only semi-famous.
Glad we straightened it all out.
Even semi-famous can be an awful lot of work and highly overrated, IMHO.
Take a look at how decimated the Democratic members of the Agriculture Committee were and you can have hope that some progressives might be in position to have some influence whenever we regain the majority.
More rain here. Yuck. But at least it’s Friday.
We’ve been treated to wonderful late fall weather the last few days. Sunny and low/mid 60s this afternoon.
But certainly agree with the TGIF sentiment.
True, disgusting weather. Cloudy here on the hill, 32 F. Looks like snow, really.
The rain’s been good. The reservoirs here were low.
Can’t help thinking about the impacts on water supplies if the natural gas industry should take hold here. It’ll take millions of gallons from the water renewal cycle per well, per day & doesn’t put it back.
* shudder *
Our reservoirs were in need as well. Hopefully the hydrofracking will never begin.
I feel more certain every day that it will. Best to stay vigilant.
God forgive me, but I just had to click on the diary called ‘Classes of Bedding for Girls’. Mainly because I think of bedding as something you provide for bunnies & gerbils. In any case, here’s the my favorite part:
I’m really tickled.
How did I ever survive a girlhood devoid of bedrooms fileld with pink or floral patterns? I feel so deprived.
NOT. 🙂
I think the spam diary thing will be fixed this weekend…
Finny is so mobile, it’s hard to get used to him just hopping away. He just crawled over to his doorway bouncer for his morning jump. I’m glad I got such a happy camper.
I have yoga this morning, but its really hard to tear myself away from the boy. I worked from home yesterday, but was busy the entire day, so I still feel the need to chill with the dude. Plus, I need to run over to the computer store and back up my hard drive before they send it out for repair. I’ve been mac-less all week, and feeling like I’m in withdrawal.
Sure hope you find time to chill out with Finn! My mom still regrets the time she did not devote to me when I was wee, due to her work. Don’t let that happen!
I blew off yoga and took he and CBtY out shopping for new clothes and to lunch instead. A lovely time was had by all, and CBtY is now off to the ice rink in search of his first job.
I would (almost) always rather send time with the guys than at work…teenage crap notwithstanding. 🙂
So glad you had a good day!
I still can’t figure out what it means that ‘a girl would not let pass any bedroom item that comes with a pink shade’.
It’s almost dadaist!
And probably no pony, either:(
My housemate actually did ride ponies as a child (El Paso in the 1930s), though they were borrowed. She just hopped on & took off; no one at home thought to worry because the ponies knew the way.
Sounds like a great childhood to me.
I was never enamored of ponies. Too many of them were ill-mannered and tended to bite for no particular reason. Give me a good old bike anytime.
Me, I wasn’t enamored of ponies or bikes. I didn’t even like other kids much. I liked books, music & drawing. A real weirdo.
Well, it sounds as if you would fit in quite well around here.
What a lovely thought.
Growing up, I never felt completely comfortable anywhere — until I found booze!
I understand completely. It makes everything alright – for awhile.
It’s a pretty lousy drug, really — even on that level.
I gotta say, don’t miss it at all now.
Oh, gee. Me either. Had my first drink at age 9, quit at 37, am now 50. I humored my hosts & took part in a Thanksgiving champaigne toast last year. It tasted like perfume & rubberized my brain. Thank you, but no!
We were almost a matched pair (I loved outdoor stuff, including horses and bikes) but I spent massive hours reading (the local library was my second home), loved all kinds of music (my mom had a huge collection of 40s jazz 78s) and took oil painting lessons from age 8 to 16 (I wasn’t any good but I enjoyed it anyway).
You were very well rounded. Good for you!
You’re right — I was a chubby kid. 🙂
I hope it wasn’t an ‘issue’ for you.
I known 2 very beautiful women with lovely bodies — twins, actually — who still carry the scars of a chubby childhood. It’s too bad.
I had plenty of ‘issues’ as a kid but being chubby wasn’t one of them (moreso in high school where I wore a 9) but that still wasn’t bad enough to really bother me). As far as body issues go, what I really hated was being short.
Not something you could do much about, obviously.
A close friend had ‘issues’ with being tall. He’d reached his full height (6’2″) by the time he was 14. He retained a bit of a stoop all his life, from trying to hide when younger.
On the other hand, you probably have beautiful posture.
Yeah I guess all those years of my mother saying “Sit up straight! Stop slouching in that chair” may have worked. 😉
And you thank her for it daily, I’m sure.
It didn’t work for me, unfortunately. I’ve got a compound curvature (back/front & sideways). Ha ha on my dopey parents!
I wanted a horse, not a pony — I told my mom we could keep in on the back porch, a proposal which was completely rejected. But I got my revenge by making her take me to and pick me up from riding stables for the next 10 years (after which I drove myself).
Ever thought about getting a horse now?
That was actually part of the plan when we moved to the country. We even built a barn. But then I spent 20 years at a job where I had to travel so getting a horse wasn’t really a good idea. Now we’re getting close to retirement but we want to travel for pleasure so getting a horse still doesn’t seem like a good idea.
Then Xnay on the horse.

That`s only my two scents worth, (if you know what I mean).
Here` the sunset from my deck tonight.
Go big or go home.
(click & go big)
Hello everyone.
Wow. Beautiful shot, ‘Head!
Good to see you.
Thank you Ms. Wench
Amazing! We just don’t get sunsets like that around here.
Indiana Dem
This is the first one of the season since the change of time.
Wow. Eyes pop. Jaw drops.
I had out of town guests & showed them how I build composites.
They were thrilled.
After shooting the sunset, they asked, “So now what?”
I told them, “Now I enjoy it.”
We then came in & I put the composite together.
You sure no how to provide a fine evening’s entertainment.
BTW, Friday Foto Flogging is this Friday. The theme is Random.
Those are stunning colors!
Thank you Ask.

This one from this evening is not as dramatic, but shows the shadow of a jet contrail (which I hoped would hit the nail clipping moon)
click for larger
Good morning!
That’s always the challenge…
Hiya Ask.
It’s the challenge I usually fail — instead my rising up, the occasion falls down and clobbers me.
Lovely shot!
Does this bode well for warmer weather coming our way?
Weather is monstrous here this morning — about 30, winds at about 30 mph, little white crystals whipping sideways, covering the driveway. Moaning & whistling sounds against the windows. All cats are indoors.
Not the day that picture was taken but we’re having a significant warm up starting today — temps up by 15-20 degrees. Here’s hoping it goes your way.
Today we had snow, rain and hail. Now it’s just cold. Where’s my Indian summer?
I was wondering if you had any snow down there.
Snow wasn’t even forecast for us. NOAA update: we may get 4″ by tomorrow.
Mother Gaia says ‘Surprise!’
Yikes. Good luck with that!
I hope the snow decided to pass you by and that our warm up is marching resolutely toward you.
We’ll take it! It started at 38 degrees this morning. Too cold, too soon.
Between your place & mine there seems to be about a 12 degree difference. Latitude plus altitude, I think. Sometimes attitude.
We got about 2″ of snow. Today it’s decidedly warmer & it’s all melting. More like early April than early November.
Wow. That’s a lot of snow for early November.
This year may be like last year — not the steady snowfall throughout the season that we’re used to, but heavier-than-normal snowfall in clumps.
Last year we didn’t have much snow at all until late February. Then a single storm gave us 4 feet.
‘The new normal’ for the Catskills, maybe. Not nice.
Good morning!
Rather than a colorful sunset – here is a sunrise from about 14 months ago (8/31/09):
Wow. Beautiful!
So nice to see so much color in the cafe’ — our landscape is quickly going grey. (Much like myself.)
That’s gorgeous.
Good morning – all credit goes to mother nature. I simply point my inexpensive camera and shoot.
But you had to be there for us to see it. 🙂
I was just reading a story in Earth Magazine (a geology magazine) about the observatory at Jungfrau. It sounds like an amazing place and the photos of the mountain and the observatory are spectacular.
I thought we could all use a very small hump to get over this week.
click for larger
That’s a great image.
No spam diaries. It’s getting better all the time.
I’m kind of bummed that CG got her laptop back. After several days of letting her share my laptop, my ads are so much more diverse. And feminine.
Are you saying I gave your computer girly ads?
More like cooties.