“I don’t know how you ‘spoil’ a process that’s already rotten. The Democratic Party is just as much a part of the problem in their policies as the Republicans.” – LeAlan Jones

U.S. Senate, Illinois: Mark Kirk: 48% … Alexi Gianoulias: 46%  … LeAlan Jones: 3%

With less than $5000 bucks to spend, compared to RepubliCorp Mark Kirk’s $12.4 million and DemoCorp Alexi Giannoulias’s $8.4 million, Green Party candidate LeAlan Jones still captured 3% of the vote, preventing DemoCorp President Barack Obama’s man Alexi from winning the U.S. Senate seat for Illinois. According to CNN, Jones won 4% of Democratic votes, 8% of independents, and 2% of Republican votes.

The Libertarian Party candidate received too few votes to mention (at least at CNN and ABC), except at the Chicago Tribune, which distorted the Senate results as follows:

Green Party candidate LeAlan Jones and Libertarian candidate Mike Labno each had less than 4 percent.

Jones is an interesting guy, becoming well known in the Chicago area when he made two documentaries about life in the Ida B. Wells public housing project on the Southside. That’s where he began to learn the way the status quo political system works:

The setting for Jones’s two famous documentaries, the Ida B. Wells project at 39th and King, is all but gone now, razed as part of the Chicago Housing Authority’s Plan for Transformation, under which most of Chicago’s notorious housing projects have been demolished. Some of the residents were resettled in new mixed-income developments near their former homes, but many have been scattered across the metro area, breaking up extended families and communities. To Jones, the Plan for Transformation is a clear example of Democrats exploiting African-Americans. He says it’s benefited politicians, banks, developers, and real estate agents. “The only people who didn’t profit,” he says, “were the residents of public housing.”

Like all Green candidates, he rejects Obama’s health care reforms:

Jones thinks the federal health care legislation signed into law in March will be ineffective. He says he’d vote to repeal “Obamacare” and promote the single-payer bill drafted by Michigan’s John Conyers and Ohio’s Dennis Kucinich.

Good on ya, protest voters, and screw DemoCorp and RepubliCorp. Of course, I understand the corporate media will misinterpret the election results as an embrace of RepubliCorp and their feed the rich epiphanies. Yeah, right. Check out this latest CNN poll:

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. Oct. 27-30, 2010. N=1,006 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

Which of the following is the most important issue facing the country today?

The economy 52%
The federal budget deficit 8%
Education 8%
Health care 8%
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan 8%
Illegal immigration 8%
Terrorism 4%
Energy and environmental policies 4%