I haven’t looked at the religious affiliation of the newly elected freshmen class to see if any Jewish-Americans were elected as Republicans, but currently Eric Cantor is the only Republican in the House who is also Jewish. The Jewish community votes overwhelmingly Democratic, and for good reason. I think it is safe to say that the Democratic Party is a stalwart supporter of Israel, and I support that. I think if the Democratic Party had some kind of off-kilter position vis-a-vis Israel that American Jews would speak rather loudly and let us all know. But that is not the case.

What is off-kilter is the Republicans’ support for Israel. They don’t just support Israel; they support the expansion of settlements in Palestinian territory. And they oppose any concessions that Israel might make to achieve a peaceful settlement with the Palestinians or their Arab neighbors. It’s all part of a misguided effort by Wall Street banksters to conquer Jesusville.

That’s fine. It’s just politics. But, at some point, you have to follow the McCain-Palin creed and put Country First.