Remember this?
Anyone over the age of thirty-five has seen that video and should know that a bill cannot become a law unless Congress first passes it and sends it to the president for a signature. So, if the House Republicans don’t want the president to sign any bills that contain earmarks, they shouldn’t pass any bills that contain earmarks.
The top two House Republican leaders are calling on President Barack Obama to veto any spending bill containing earmarks, raising the stakes in a battle to claim purity on project-specific spending by Congress.
Boehner and Cantor are going to be in charge of the House. Why don’t they refuse to pass any bill that contains earmarks instead of asking the President to do their work for them?
Naw, Son.
Do your fucking job. Don’t want earmarks in the bill, don’t put them in the bill.
Me? I’m of the decision that anyone who votes against the earmarks shouldn’t get them. When their letters arrive at whatever agency they’re trying to grub the money from, they should go into the garbage and those monies should go to Congressmen willing to put a vote behind those dollars.
This could actually be fun if the president has any balls.
I say Obama should go along, but only for those states whose reps make a lot of noise about earmarks. And then he could talk about how he’s veto-ing funding for (say) highway repairs in Virginia as wasteful earmark spending requestd by [insert VA republican here]. “Senator Paul of Kentucky has declared his opposition to earmarks, so we are going over his bill carefully to make sure there is nothing that wastes the taxpayers’ money.”
Then, if the democrats had any sense, they’d run ads about how these red states don’t have any good roads or services because the republicans specifically asked the president to veto their funding.
I realize that’s a clumsy way to put it, but you get the gist.
“the good people of Ohio have decided to take control of their own destiny, and I have heard their message: there will be no more federal funding for Ohio, per the request of their elected representatives.”
For the same reason they opposed his deficit commission only to have him do the work for them. The Republicans couldn’t have dreamed that they would do this for them. He gave them a gift.
Why don’t they? They believe in earmarks for me but not for thee. And they want Obama to take the heat for the promised earmarks they have made to interests in their districts.
Isn’t it obvious.
Remember how they complained about the ARRA that didn’t contain earmarks? That was when they first started conflating ARRA with TARP.
because President Snowe isn’t taking their calls.
Among other things, Boener/Cantor are leveraging “true progressives’s” hatred of Obama in this. Boener/Canton KNOW there won’t be any pushback from “true progressives” for this lie (or any other)