President Obama just offered Israel a squadron of the latest US jet fighters in return for a freeze on settlement building (stealing further Palestinian land) in the West Bank for three months (East Jerusalem? That’s okay).
Richard Silverstein (of Takun Olam) did the math:
America is used to buying its way to quasi-peace in Iraq and Afghanistan and appears to be doing something similar by buying Israel’s acquiescence in a 90-day, partial settlement freeze. The going price: $33.33-million a day for the entire 90 day process [thanks readers, for correcting my math!]. Now, we know what Hillary and Bibi were doing in that New York hotel suite for seven hours earlier this week. It wasn’t canoodling! But she was virtually giving away the store.
(LINK to the full article above.)
Netanyahu is no doubt laughing all the way to the bank. After stalling the peace process for two years, he will do three months standing on his head, at further US taxpayer expense.
I can help but add some further commentary by Richard Silverstein that puts this ugly matter into perspective, beyond the fact that the Palestinians were offered a pittance in return.
Palestinians will be the losers – again, says Jonathan Cook, an astute observer living in Israel. – 17 Nov 2010
By Permission.
I can’t stomach reading about I/P on a regular basis anymore, but I still have Cook in my reader. He’s one of the best observers of the situation and I recommend to anyone who wants a ground-level perspective from the region.
It is not difficult to get burned-out covering or even reading about the Israeli-Palestinian situation. So often, what looks like hope, a break through toward peace, is dashed by deception, which is often given away by its transparency.
Why bother, one might ask? Who can asnwer that question? But there’s injustice going on, it is happening before our eyes, and we are implicated, even paying for it. So we squawk on behalf of the victims, we publicize it. It can’t be helped. We can’t do less.
But it is tiring, admittedly, and I understand your growing feelings.
You deserve kudos for continuing to speak for those who are so brutally oppressed. There was a blogger here several years ago who also wrote passionately about the Israel-Palestine situation (well, he wrote passionately on many matters, but I digress). He long ago left blogging and as far as any of us know is long since deceased. Thank you for continuing to carry the torch. Peace.