Wow, what a weekend everyone has had…outhouse travels, confrontations, peeling wallpaper, and holiday celebrations. Sorry I haven’t been around much, but Finny has gotten more and more mobile lately! He’s been cruising around the house using his crab crawl and exploring everything – so much fun to watch, but it’s a challenge to keep up with him sometimes. 🙂
It’ll be a busy week this week, since I have a conference in Florida later this week. Good thing I had such a nice long weekend!
First serious Finn travel…my feeling is that they could find someone else to do what I’ll do at the meeting, but there’s nobody else who can go home at the end of the day and be Finn’s mom, so if they want me to go, he goes too…
Dusting, hah.
We got 8 inches since yesterday afternoon and it is still coming down. Geneva airport closed until at least 2 pm, it is announced.
Crossing my fingers that tomorrow’s departures will not be affected.
if I’d been paying more attention to the camera and less time looking out the window I’d have a good picture. may post the imperfect three someday, but for now I must link to someone else’s (but mine is almost just as good…). I thought about Booman’s post about the ppl who climb, as I read that post in proximity!!! but when you see it, even from a distance out an airplane window, one begins thinking maybe they’re the sane ones.
Thanks, Jim.
They are planning an all nighter w/ after-party after the reception (whatever that means). I am usually done well before midnight in any case – jet lag or not.
The road to Bloomington was clear by 1:00, just in time for our traditional trip to The Nutcracker. My parents took me when I was small. This was the first performance for the 4 yo grandson, who enjoyed it immensely.
We have all 3 overnight, so Mom & Dad can knock back a few with friends & relax for a change:)
that trip to Shapiro’s sounds better than Orlando. 🙂 However, I’m glad to be here with the warmer weather.
Busy, busy, busy. Today I have the options of listening to a talk by Rahm Emanuel’s brother on the impact of the new health care legislation on cancer care, or Sherrod Brown receiving his Public Service award, but I’m skipping both to hang out my Finny and Boo.
Ask, glad you made it here, hope the parties were fun!
We’ll be glad to have you back, CG!
Especially since it’s been proven that extended stays in Florida can damage one’s political consciousness.
As for your day today, I think you’ve chosen the very best option.
Even if Dizzy World was also a possibility.
(One isn’t a Real Merkun unless one is hot for Dizzy World!)
Hope Finny’s had a good travel experience. I’ll bet he’s a real trouper!
We’re up to about 15F here on the mountain, very windy. It snowed throughout the day yesterday, into the night, leaving us with about 4″ total. Drifting snow & flurries today.
It’s more like January than December.
Nope, me either. I missed that faint smoky odor of all the wood burners firing up on the first cool fall evenings when I lived there. Couldn’t wait to get back up here to the hardwood forests to suffer the cold, snow & ice, but then some of us are sicker than others;-)
It’s an outlier too. Most of them have been smaller than usual and much more twisty — which I’m guessing has to do with the lower amount of water in the ground from the drought.
It was 6 F on the car’s magic mirror when I left for work this morning. Moisture, both frozen & liquid, predicted for the near future. Hope the power stays on.
I know you’re glad to be home and find things almost just like you left ’em but I think the coffee’s getting stale here in the cafe. Time for a fresh pot? 🙂
Seems I’ve got the five minute my computer seems to run. Hope everyone is having a good run up to X-mas. George and I are doing fine. Dec 31st, George will be 103 in human years. He’s still barking at anything and everybody. I think in Jan. I’ll be moving. I’ve talked to the family and we’re trying to set up something.
Last month I went through my second back surgery. I broke another damned vertabrae(sorry don’t have spell checker anymore). My brother is supposed to be bring me a laptop of his that he say will run better than what I’ve got right now. I hope!
Everyone take care and I hope you’re all doing well.
Hello Family Man! Very good to “see” you here! A friend of mine had an encounter with a runaway farm wagon last summer with the same result as yours, along with several other broken bones. Thankfully, she will be ok eventually with many more weeks of rehab. Here’s hoping you are back to feeling well soon too. We miss you around the Pond:)
Wow, what a weekend everyone has had…outhouse travels, confrontations, peeling wallpaper, and holiday celebrations. Sorry I haven’t been around much, but Finny has gotten more and more mobile lately! He’s been cruising around the house using his crab crawl and exploring everything – so much fun to watch, but it’s a challenge to keep up with him sometimes. 🙂
It’ll be a busy week this week, since I have a conference in Florida later this week. Good thing I had such a nice long weekend!
Oh-oh. Going to Florida. Sounds like you are about to experience some serious Finn withdrawal (or your first serious Finn travel).
First serious Finn travel…my feeling is that they could find someone else to do what I’ll do at the meeting, but there’s nobody else who can go home at the end of the day and be Finn’s mom, so if they want me to go, he goes too…
Here’s hoping he has a load when they do the enhanced patdown on him. 😉
click for larger
I have a feeling mine is going to feel almost short. 🙂
Wow. Amazing picture.
I try, but I can’t quite see what the limb is doing, or where you are. It’s messin’ with my mind.
That’s because that’s actually the tree trunk — it’s bent 90 degrees over and I’m standing under the horizontal part.
Here’s a picture of the tree (it’s in the background on the left).

click for larger
OK! So interesting to see another perspective.
These are both great pics. You know me, can’t get enough trees.
Getting to see bunches of green while hunting through pictures to see if I could find a shot of it was a nice break from brown-and-gray-season.
No doubt!
We’re getting a break from brown and grey today: wet brown and grey. No white, however.
No word yet from keres in response to weekend email, either. Hope they’re ok.
Thanks for letting us know. I hope all is well with them too.
We’ve had a couple of dusting but that’s all — which is fine with me. It’s way too early for snow here.
Dusting, hah.
We got 8 inches since yesterday afternoon and it is still coming down. Geneva airport closed until at least 2 pm, it is announced.
Crossing my fingers that tomorrow’s departures will not be affected.
Crossing fingers for you.
We’ve added crossed claws to the crossed fingers.
Excellent, thanks to both (and all) of you!
We’re keeping everything crossed too. 🙂
Adding my good wishes to the rest, ask.
On the upside: I’ll bet the snow looks beautiful.
Thanks, ww.
Yes, it does look pretty. Still coming down, we’re at 10+ inches and the forecast suggests it will go on snowing for a few more hours.
Wow. Please let us know when you hear something.
Hopefully she’ll post here.
Good morning, ladies!
Short upcoming week for me (the previous one was long – no TG here).
Off to NY on Thursday for a wedding on LI on Saturday.
Ooh, you get your short week this week, and a visit with curly-lucky you!
Hah – in fact two short weeks, since I am only returning on Monday night…
Then 2.5 crazy weeks before a long break for the holidays (23rd to 5th).
What a great reason to have a short week. Hope you have a wonderful time.
It should be great. The bride’s family knows how to throw a party (I don’t know the groom’s side) and has the means to do so…
Would you believe I know someone whose son’s wedding was there?
oh my goodness! we need a bootrib meetup there!
I hope that the traffic to Long Island is better than my jaunt there this past weekend. 😉
curly is in charge of the logistics – I believe we’ll be on the LIRR. Mostly reliable.
if I’d been paying more attention to the camera and less time looking out the window I’d have a good picture. may post the imperfect three someday, but for now I must link to someone else’s (but mine is almost just as good…). I thought about Booman’s post about the ppl who climb, as I read that post in proximity!!! but when you see it, even from a distance out an airplane window, one begins thinking maybe they’re the sane ones.
Oh wow — you flew over Everest!?!
near it, one of the most amazing things I’ve seen in my life
Wow, that must have been cool. BooMan is envious. 🙂
When do you and Finn leave for his very big adventure?
Not till Thursday, TFSM.
Good thing, because it’s been awhile since I had to pack for a little person. They’re so stuff-intensive. 🙂
Especially when you’ve got to go through security with all the stuff that’s needed just for the flight.
My advice: don’t pack anything you can buy in FL. They actually have many of the items for sale that we do here on earth.
I am jealous but happy for you to have the experience.
One of our favorite flight sights was flying over Half Dome (in Yosemite) when it was lit by a bright full moon.
how beautiful!! what a wonderful sight!
And we didn’t get a picture of that either. 🙂
maybe it’s a special category. how about pictures we didn’t get! (and wish we did/ are glad we didn’t)
I have many in the former category. 😉
same here. there’s also the category of “conveniently lost”. perhaps a theme for one of the foto diaries
A very Zen type theme: how can one see a lost image?
Very cool!
There goes CG and Finn zooming right over this one.
click for larger
heh. I still have to finish some work stuff and pack for everyone…yikes!
Wishing you a fun & hassle-free trip, CG!
Thanks – we actually leave tomorrow morning.
At least you’ve got a nice day for you flight.
You and Finn have a good trip!
Better be packed and ready to go now. 🙂
Safe travels. Hope Finn likes airplanes (and standing in lines at security checkpoints).
Um… speaking of security, I’m rendered speechless by this one.
Have a smooth & uneventful trip CG & Finn. If you see an incident like the above, for god’s sake, get video:)
Ahem…what to expect, after all, his name is Cummings…
And then there’s this one.
Gutsy lady!
Already looking forward to my departure on Monday../sn
I’m glad that you flew here after our windy days. A number of places lost power.
That’s a great shot.
Plus no problems figuring out what’s going on in this shot. 🙂
Good morning!
Serious jet lag – up since 3.15…
Uneventful trip, Geneva airport re-opened yesterday morning after being closed some 36 hours.
Glad you made it. Hope your clock adjusts quickly.
Thanks, Jim.
They are planning an all nighter w/ after-party after the reception (whatever that means). I am usually done well before midnight in any case – jet lag or not.
Sorry for the jet lag but very glad that the airport opened so you could have it.
Hope you have a great time this weekend.
Glad your trip was uneventful, ask! Hope you’re ‘in step’ again very soon.
Happy Winter Morning, everyone!
Just waiting for that new diary image of BooMan in a Speedo ..
The world is not ready for that…better stick with the boxer shots. 🙂
A sad good-bye to Ron Santo.
A not so welcoming hello to the first real snow of the winter (’cause I’m driving to Indy in awhile — see below).
A big happy Hanukkah greeting (started Wed. night but still going strong) to all who celebrate it.
Off to do some cooking and getting reaady-ing and driving through the snow for our family Hanukkah gathering.
See ya all later.
What are you cooking?
And Happy Hannukah from us here.
Thanks and please send my holiday greetings to curly.
I’m cooking potato kugel … because it’s just too damn much trouble to do latkes for a crowd.
But nobody gets any till tomorrow — too much snow but it should be all cleared away by tomorrow.
Enjoy the wedding.
Happy Hanukkah Andi! Wishing you safe travels and lots of fun visiting (and eating).
I’ll bet town looks all pretty and Christmas-y today.
Travel postponed till tomorrow (as is picking up the pastrami and corned beef from Shapiro’s).
The road to Bloomington was clear by 1:00, just in time for our traditional trip to The Nutcracker. My parents took me when I was small. This was the first performance for the 4 yo grandson, who enjoyed it immensely.
We have all 3 overnight, so Mom & Dad can knock back a few with friends & relax for a change:)
Glad they got it cleared in time for a you all to have a great time.
We probably could have gone ahead with the family gathering yesterday but this way we’ll know the roads are clear.
Have a great time & eat hearty!
The grand-dems did NOT sleep in this morning:(
I followed your orders to the letter. And I’m still stuffed. 🙂
Happy Hannukah to you & your family, Andi! Also, too, happy travels.
Thanks WW. Hanukkah gathering was very happy, the travels quite boring.
C-c-cold here! Off to do some errands.
25 here, but sunny – stay warm:)
You too!
we never made it out of the 30s today in NC. Add a stiff wind and last night’s snow blowing off the tree limbs….brrr
Got snow, b2? We have about 3/4″ on the ground today.
Just flurries so far. 🙂
I’m sure we’ve got an inch by now & it isn’t stopping. Temperature about 19F all day.
Winter’s hit us like a ton o’ bricks this year. I’m not ready!
We got some of your snow this morning. It amounts to a dusting though. There is probably more later this week.
O goody! (She said dubiously.)
We wound up with about 2″, I think. Very light & fluffy, no hassle.
that trip to Shapiro’s sounds better than Orlando. 🙂 However, I’m glad to be here with the warmer weather.
Busy, busy, busy. Today I have the options of listening to a talk by Rahm Emanuel’s brother on the impact of the new health care legislation on cancer care, or Sherrod Brown receiving his Public Service award, but I’m skipping both to hang out my Finny and Boo.
Ask, glad you made it here, hope the parties were fun!
I’m ready to go home…looking forward to Tuesday.
We’ll be glad to have you back, CG!
Especially since it’s been proven that extended stays in Florida can damage one’s political consciousness.
As for your day today, I think you’ve chosen the very best option.
Even if Dizzy World was also a possibility.
(One isn’t a Real Merkun unless one is hot for Dizzy World!)
Hope Finny’s had a good travel experience. I’ll bet he’s a real trouper!
But what if Finny wanted to listed to Rahm Emanuel’s brother?
Is Finny going to get to meet Micky Mouse?
The cats are slowly emerging from hiding, now that the smaller two-legs have gone home with their parental units.
Expert survival skills kick in once again! Whew!
click for larger
Truly beautiful! What a nice ‘welcome home’.
Living in the woods has so many compensations, no?
It’s a much nicer welcome home when you don’t have to actually leave. 🙂
Absolutely! I’m doing my best.
10 F here this morning. Brrrrrrr!
Ya got us beat by at least 10 degrees.
We’re up to about 15F here on the mountain, very windy. It snowed throughout the day yesterday, into the night, leaving us with about 4″ total. Drifting snow & flurries today.
It’s more like January than December.
Still wouldn’t trade it for Orlando!
Nope, me either. I missed that faint smoky odor of all the wood burners firing up on the first cool fall evenings when I lived there. Couldn’t wait to get back up here to the hardwood forests to suffer the cold, snow & ice, but then some of us are sicker than others;-)
Right. The sick ones stay in Florida.
It’s colder’n Cheney’s heart-shaped gristle tonight. I’m sure we’ll see single digits by morning.
Yep, single digits — I’m looking at the thermometer right now and seeing 8 degrees.
Yikes! Stay warm!
We’re trying — well maybe not so much warm as staying “not cold”.
Hear hear!
This one will just melt away before you’ve realized it was here.
click for larger
That’s a really nice one!
It’s an outlier too. Most of them have been smaller than usual and much more twisty — which I’m guessing has to do with the lower amount of water in the ground from the drought.
Good morning!
Temperature here on the mountain today is 4 F. What do I win?
fur mittens.
It was 6 F on the car’s magic mirror when I left for work this morning. Moisture, both frozen & liquid, predicted for the near future. Hope the power stays on.
Just as long as the fur is faux!
I hear we may warm up to the 30s this weekend! Yowza!
Hope everyone’s safe, warm & satisfied this evening.
The theme is Nature.
Click here for the diary.
Looking forward to it!
Nice picture!
I know you’re glad to be home and find things almost just like you left ’em but I think the coffee’s getting stale here in the cafe. Time for a fresh pot? 🙂
Good Afternoon Everyone!
Seems I’ve got the five minute my computer seems to run. Hope everyone is having a good run up to X-mas. George and I are doing fine. Dec 31st, George will be 103 in human years. He’s still barking at anything and everybody. I think in Jan. I’ll be moving. I’ve talked to the family and we’re trying to set up something.
Last month I went through my second back surgery. I broke another damned vertabrae(sorry don’t have spell checker anymore). My brother is supposed to be bring me a laptop of his that he say will run better than what I’ve got right now. I hope!
Everyone take care and I hope you’re all doing well.
Hello Family Man! Very good to “see” you here! A friend of mine had an encounter with a runaway farm wagon last summer with the same result as yours, along with several other broken bones. Thankfully, she will be ok eventually with many more weeks of rehab. Here’s hoping you are back to feeling well soon too. We miss you around the Pond:)
Hi FM! You are indeed missed. Have a good holiday and the best of luck with everything you are planning.
Take care. Get well. I hope the holidays and new year treat you well.
Good luck with your back, the move, and getting a better ‘puter.
We miss you.
Good to hear from you, FM! Best wishes to you for a good recovery & a happy holiday season! If you desire snow, I hope it finds you.