Month: November 2010

Why JFK would disdain Yemen raid

Reprinted from my article at It was rather horrifying to wake to hear that the Obama administration is considering sending hunter-killer teams into Yemen in hopes of seeking out and killing suspected...

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Facebook’s Giant Poll

With a sample of nearly 10 million voters, Facebook was able to accumulate some interesting data about the electorate. For example, with the World Series ending on Monday, it turns out that ‘Fans’ of the Giants and...

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The Rally Did Not Restore Sanity

In an poorly sourced but widely quoted post-election analysis, Mark Ambinder wrote: According to Newsweek (no link), the White House plans to aggressively enforce environmental regulations as they anticipate efforts from...

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Jobs Hell! GOP Attacks Climate

Everybody expects there will be a host of Congressional subpoenas flying as soon as the next Congress is seated to investigate — whatever. And first up to feel the wrath of the coming Republican inquisition may very well...

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