I wonder if Condi didn’t sign it because she doesn’t agree with it, or whether the old guys didn’t bother to ask.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Betting on the “boys’ club” explanation. Or they knew that Condi had already been contacted by the current GOP leadership. See if she makes a statement one way or the other. I think she’ll duck it.
Seeing as Condi used to work at the Hoover Institute, I wouldn’t be surprised if she told them to go pound sand. After all, she is a true believer. She never resigned in protest when working for Dubya.
Two comments, two diametrically opposed interpretations.
I have to think she was asked because obviously Powell was, and he was just as involved in Shrub’s screw-ups as she was. Doesn’t matter, though; the current crop of Repukes don’t care one whit about the country.
Except Powell actually stepped out and endorsed Obama very vocally.
I think she still thinks she has a future in politics or a future administration. The others, not so much.
Powell is still relatively young but I think he genuinely is tainted by his experience (and his own performance) in the W WH and is perfectly happy addressing educational issues and the like from the sidelines for the rest of his life. See Jimmy Carter.
Powell is 73.
He’s not the dick like McCain is. Yeah, I know it’s not much …
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