It was Noam Chomsky who let loose his disdain for the Obama administration’s pretense at Middle East peace making at a time when Obama’s betrayal on domestic policy looms even larger. But there will be no Middle East peace and if liberal-progressive Democrats were concerned, reasons to support the reelection of Obama in 2012 are much dimmed down.
Noam Chomsky’s take on what Obama is doing to negate a Palestinian state, the two state solution, is clear:
Washington’s pathetic capitulation to Israel while pleading for a meaningless three-month freeze on settlement expansion–excluding Arab East Jerusalem–should go down as one of the most humiliating moments in U.S. diplomatic history.
In September the last settlement freeze ended, leading the Palestinians to cease direct talks with Israel. Now the Obama administration, desperate to lure Israel into a new freeze and thus revive the talks, is grasping at invisible straws–and lavishing gifts on a far-right Israeli government…..
As Netanyahu’s poodle, Obama seems to be capitulating to right wing factions everywhere, foreign and domestic.
Well on the bright side no F35 fighters for killing Palestinians.
Its better when Obama doesn’t negotiate. Its less dangerous to the Palestinians.
Obama follows a long line of Presidents subservient to Israeli leaders. Why would anyone expect anything different?
I dated a girl named Hope once. That was a failure of mine, too.
Unbelievably, her sister was named Tiffany. You would never guess what their last name was.
The charade that Noam Chomsky speaks of is now out in the open:
U.S. drops demand for Israeli settlement freeze
All Obama and other presidents have done is repeatedly buy time for Israel to annexe more andmore and destroy more and more Palestinian heritage. Of course nobody ever has to answer for this and of course the useless media will never let reality be nown