Oh brother. Oh sister, too. Once more into the breach with fundamentalist Christians blaming gays for all the terrible things in America. This time its the American Family Association are blaming Wikileaks on the “Gay Agenda” of the soldier under arrest for leaking the Iraq War documents to Wikileaks:

Bryan Fischer, the AFA’s head of issues analysis, believes he knows what motivated the man thought to be behind the WikiLeaks release of State Department cables: A “homosexual” agenda.

Private Bradley Manning, who has been in US custody since he was linked to a WikiLeaks release earlier this year, “sold out his country in what may turn out to be fit of gay pique,” Fischer writes at the AFA’s blog.

Kind of reminds you of the Rosenberg case, doesn’t it, where nut jobs blame the Jews for the “secrets” of limited if any value regarding the US atomic bomb project that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg gave to the Soviet Union.

Because, apparently, Private Manning’s alleged sexual orientation had nothing to do with his decision to turnover documents about the Iraq war to Wikileaks, which was based on his political views according to the hacker who alerted US authorities to Manning’s actions:

computer hacker Adrian Lamo, who is believed to be the person who alerted authorities to the source of the leaks, said Manning was evidently “explaining how the first world exploits the third, in detail, from an internal perspective.”

That the AFA (funny how it has the same acronym as the Air Force Academy) chose to exploit Private Manning’s sexuality in their senseless and relentless campaign against members of the LGBT community, many of whom served with distinction in the US Military, is comparable to the “blood libel” that is always thrown in the faces of Jews. Just as the “Jews” didn’t murder Jesus, there is no homosexual agenda to undermine America, except in the minds of hateful bigots, many of whom would like to do to homosexuals what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jews in WWII: exterminate them:

You Can Run But You Cannot Hide, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit ministry that brings its hard rock gospel into public schools, has been deepening its long-running ties to the Republican Party of Minnesota. Long a cause célèbre for Rep. Michele Bachmann, who has twice lent her name to the group’s fundraising efforts, You Can Run (YCR) had a booth at the GOP convention in April, and the group’s frontman, Bradlee Dean, reports that gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer recently accepted an invitation to visit with him at Dean’s home. But recent controversial statements by Dean — that Muslim countries calling for the execution of gays and lesbians are “more moral than even the American Christians” — have drawn the ire of some both within and outside the party.

“Muslims are calling for the executions of homosexuals in America,” Dean said on YCR’s May 15 radio show on AM 1280 the Patriot. “This just shows you they themselves are upholding the laws that are even in the Bible of the Judeo-Christian God, but they seem to be more moral than even the American Christians do, because these people are livid about enforcing their laws. They know homosexuality is an abomination.”

“If America won’t enforce the laws, God will raise up a foreign enemy to do just that,” Dean continued. “That is what you are seeing in America.”

“The bottom line is this… they [homosexuals] play the victim when they are, in fact, the predator,” Dean said, before going on to make a claim that has no basis in fact: “On average, they molest 117 people before they’re found out. How many kids have been destroyed, how many adults have been destroyed because of crimes against nature?”

What a surprise they support Rep. Michele Bachmann, eh?

And what a non-surprise that the American Family Association is listed as a hate group by The Southern Poverty Law Center.

Methodist minister Donald E. Wildmon formed the National Federation for Decency in 1977, changing its name to the American Family Association (AFA) in 1988. Today, the group, which was taken over by Tim Wildmon after his father’s 2010 retirement, claims a remarkable 2 million online supporters and 180,000 subscribers to its AFA Journal. It also broadcasts over nearly 200 radio stations.

The AFA seeks to support “traditional moral values,” but in recent years it has seemed to specialize in “combating the homosexual agenda.” In 2009, it hired Bryan Fischer, the former executive director of the Idaho Values Alliance, as its director of analysis for government and policy. Taking a page from the anti-gay fabulist Scott Lively (see Abiding Truth Ministries, above), Fischer claimed in a blog post last May 27 that “[h]omosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and 6 million dead Jews.” (Ironically, the elder Wildmon was widely denounced as an anti-Semite after suggesting that Jews control the media, which the AFA says “shows a genuine hostility towards Christians.”) Fischer has described Hitler as “an active homosexual” who sought out gays “because he could not get straight soldiers to be savage and brutal and vicious enough.” He proposed criminalizing homosexual behavior in another 2010 blog post and has advocated forcing gays into “reparative” therapy. In a 2010 “action alert,” the AFA warned that if homosexuals are allowed to openly serve in the military, “your son or daughter may be forced to share military showers and barracks with active and open homosexuals.”

Note that the same Bryan Fischer who is blaming Wikileaks on the “gay agenda” is the same man who claimed homosexuals were responsible for Hitler and the Holocaust (in which, by the way, unknown thousands of homosexuals were murdered by — the Nazis under Hitler). Class act, this Mr. Fischer and his organization, the AFA.

I can’t wait for the new freshman Republican Congressional Representatives to sponsor their first wave anti-gay legislation (no doubt ghost written by people from the AFA and other anti-gay hate groups), can you? Good times, good times.