Do you want to know how you can tell that we have the best form of government evah? Well…to take but one of many examples from yesterday, the House of Representatives successfully passed a resolution that recognized and honored the 2500th anniversary of the Battle of Marathon. The resolution had 44 co-sponsors, almost all of whom were Democrats but including Reps. Walter “Freedom Fries” Jones and Ron “My Son’s a Senator” Paul.

But the thing about honoring the Greeks and their silly wars is that that involves honoring paganism and events that may have occurred before the official beginning of time (I’ll call Rep. Steve King and get back to you on this particular battle’s place in the Christian Cosmos). In any case, forty-four members actually voted against honoring the memory of the Battle of Marathon and five more voted ‘present.’

We probably would know nothing, or next to nothing, about the Battle of Marathon if Herodotus hadn’t ‘invented history’ by writing down his thoughts on what led to the war with the Persians, and his observations about how it was conducted. We also would not run races that are 26 miles 385 yards-long if it were not for this battle that took place in 490 BCE, or, twenty-one years before Socrates was born. Of course, Socrates was executed in 399 BCE for “not believing in the Gods of the State” and for spreading doubt about them (corrupting the youth). It’s pretty clear that people like Rep. Steve King who voted against honoring the Battle of Marathon would have been quite happy giving Socrates his hemlock, and they have no intention of honoring his society, his culture, or anything that might anger the Sky god of their imaginations’.

America? Fuck yeah!!